'LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jurors who acquitted actor Robert Blake of murder — and were later called "incredibly stupid" by District Attorney Steve Cooley — want an apology.'
As well they should. What a jackass.
'Loyola University law professor Laurie Levenson called Cooley's comment a major lapse in judgment — and "much more of an embarrassment for him than the jurors." '
What she calls a 'lapse of judgment' I call 'Whining of a Sore Loser'. Either way, he's a jackass.
'"At a time when it's hard enough to have juries come forward, it doesn't help to start insulting them," she added. '
No kidding. From personal experience, I can tell you jury duty's not much fun. My turn in the barrel came last summer. It's hard enough to find people willing to serve on juries anyway, without insulting them. Sheesh.
'On Tuesday, Cooley defended the prosecutor who lost the Blake case and said he was stunned jurors found the actor not guilty of killing his wife and of one count of soliciting her murder.
"Quite frankly, based on my review of the evidence, he is as guilty as sin. He is a miserable human being," Cooley said.'
Pot, meet the kettle.
'Jurors said the comments were unfair.
"If Mr. Cooley ... thinks there was enough evidence to convict, then he should spend more time doing his job and less time trying to make excuses," said juror Roberto Emerick.'
A-freaking-men, brother.
Obviously, the prosecution DIDN'T make its case well, or Mr. Blake would be getting fitted for prison orange right about now. Your guys dropped the ball, Jack. Suck it up and admit you failed like a real man. If you're able.
'On Thursday night, Cooley stood by his comments.
"There was a failure in this case. It was not my prosecutor. It was not the work of LAPD. It was the jurors didn't quite get it," he said, conceding, however, "I could have phrased it differently." '
Anyone remember O.J.??
Seems to me that LA county's 0-2 in celebrity murder trials. Possibly a move to Orange County??
' "But bottom line it was the wrong verdict," he said. "Sometimes jurors should be held accountable for their mistakes." '
My hope is Cooley will be held accountable for HIS mistake too. I wonder if the district attorney's position in LA county is an elected one??
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Friday, March 25, 2005
Why I'll never marry.
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) - A judge has awarded the former wife of a multimillionaire businessman a divorce settlement worth more than $40 million even though she admitted having affairs with her rock-climbing guide and a man she met on a flight to China.
Am I the only one who thinks this is complete and utter bullshit??
It seems to me that she shouldn't have gotten ONE DIME. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a line in the wedding vows about 'Forsaking all others'??
My god, what a crock of shit.
I guarantee you, had the shoe been on the other foot, we'd be hearing about what a bastard her exhubby is/was for not being able to keep it in his pants.
As far as I'm concerned, that woman is a skank whore. She should be ashamed of herself, but I'd bet a week's pay she's not. It amazes me that this hosebag thought she was entitled to anything.
I really feel bad for the exhubby. Poor bastard works his ass off so his family can live well, while his wife's off flopping on her back for any Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along.
I hope her next fling's got enough sense to avoid marrying her.
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) - A judge has awarded the former wife of a multimillionaire businessman a divorce settlement worth more than $40 million even though she admitted having affairs with her rock-climbing guide and a man she met on a flight to China.
Am I the only one who thinks this is complete and utter bullshit??
It seems to me that she shouldn't have gotten ONE DIME. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a line in the wedding vows about 'Forsaking all others'??
My god, what a crock of shit.
I guarantee you, had the shoe been on the other foot, we'd be hearing about what a bastard her exhubby is/was for not being able to keep it in his pants.
As far as I'm concerned, that woman is a skank whore. She should be ashamed of herself, but I'd bet a week's pay she's not. It amazes me that this hosebag thought she was entitled to anything.
I really feel bad for the exhubby. Poor bastard works his ass off so his family can live well, while his wife's off flopping on her back for any Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along.
I hope her next fling's got enough sense to avoid marrying her.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
More caching.
Went out again tonight and got another cache. I would have gotten this one a couple days ago, but the route I took led us over some VERY rough roads (picture the surface of the moon, and you've got the idea) and wound up breaking a weld on my car's exhaust.
$20 later, it was fixed.
So, I got off work early today, got home and chilled for a bit, then went out after it again. I've got this bizarre quirk: if I don't find the thing, then forget any other caches, I'm not givin up till I get the one that's eluding me, dammit!
I never claimed sanity. It's overrated anyway.
So, my buddy UN (search for the post explaining his name, I'm not gonna reiterate) comes up to me today and says "Why don't you hit the parking lot for the ski trail and see how far it is from there?"
Brilliant idea. Wish I'd thought of it.
So, I did. 1/2 mile from the lot. I've got an hour of daylight or so. I can do this.
Off I go. The going was a wee bit rough, as it's getting warmer now, and the snow's not exactly frozen anymore. No worries, though.
Found the cache. I was under a clump of trees, and didn't notice that I was losing daylight RAPIDLY. I started back to the car, walked out from under the tree cover,looked around, and said to myself various naughty words I won't repeat.
Great. 1/2 mile to the car in rapidy disappearing daylight. Good thing I'd brought my friend Mr Maglite, just in case.
Before I'd hit the trail, I saved the parking lot as a waypoint, so the trip back was no sweat. I just followed my footprints for the most part, and got back a lot faster than I thought I was going to. It seems my walking pace is about 3.2 mph.
All in all, a very fun lil' trip, and a good way to get some exercise and relieve stress. When I'm on the trail, all the daily bullshit seems to just fall by the wayside. The silence on the trail is a perfect counter to hours of ringing telephones and other bullshit.
Next time, though, I'm setting out a LOT earlier!! LOL!
$20 later, it was fixed.
So, I got off work early today, got home and chilled for a bit, then went out after it again. I've got this bizarre quirk: if I don't find the thing, then forget any other caches, I'm not givin up till I get the one that's eluding me, dammit!
I never claimed sanity. It's overrated anyway.
So, my buddy UN (search for the post explaining his name, I'm not gonna reiterate) comes up to me today and says "Why don't you hit the parking lot for the ski trail and see how far it is from there?"
Brilliant idea. Wish I'd thought of it.
So, I did. 1/2 mile from the lot. I've got an hour of daylight or so. I can do this.
Off I go. The going was a wee bit rough, as it's getting warmer now, and the snow's not exactly frozen anymore. No worries, though.
Found the cache. I was under a clump of trees, and didn't notice that I was losing daylight RAPIDLY. I started back to the car, walked out from under the tree cover,looked around, and said to myself various naughty words I won't repeat.
Great. 1/2 mile to the car in rapidy disappearing daylight. Good thing I'd brought my friend Mr Maglite, just in case.
Before I'd hit the trail, I saved the parking lot as a waypoint, so the trip back was no sweat. I just followed my footprints for the most part, and got back a lot faster than I thought I was going to. It seems my walking pace is about 3.2 mph.
All in all, a very fun lil' trip, and a good way to get some exercise and relieve stress. When I'm on the trail, all the daily bullshit seems to just fall by the wayside. The silence on the trail is a perfect counter to hours of ringing telephones and other bullshit.
Next time, though, I'm setting out a LOT earlier!! LOL!
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Fabbo babe of the week
Dunno what it is about Laura Harring.

Oh, yeah. She's HOT. That's what.
Curved in all the right places, got that sexy Latina accent thing going on...
Oh yeah.
BTW, ladies, if you'd like to be considered for Fabbo Babe Of The Week, feel free to email a pic to The Partsguy and watch your life improve by leaps and bounds!
Oh, yeah. She's HOT. That's what.
Curved in all the right places, got that sexy Latina accent thing going on...
Oh yeah.
BTW, ladies, if you'd like to be considered for Fabbo Babe Of The Week, feel free to email a pic to The Partsguy and watch your life improve by leaps and bounds!
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Blog for sale.
So, I was watching the news tonight, and for whatever reason, the Armstrong Williams thing came up.
Turns out Williams accepted $240,000 to talk up GW's No Child Left Behind act, and get minorities to accept it.
What a waste of taxpayer money.
Such is life.
SO, I have decided that my blog is for sale. For MUCH less than $240k, I would add.
For example, if you want me to say good things about your product, then a small donation to my favorite charity, i.e. the Partsguy's Empty Wallet fund, then I'll say good things about your product or service.
For example, a donation of about, oh, $10 grand will get a nice pic of your product in its very own post, with me raving semi-sincerely about it. I'll only use the phrase " possibly won't cause your testicles to implode" once in the post.
What a deal!
For say, ohhh, $20k, You'll get the nice pic, the semi-sincere raving about it, etc, PLUS:
I'll actually consider purchase or use of your product or service, and I will mention that I'm doing so to at least 4 people of random Race, Color,Creed or Political Affiliation. I make no guarantees on IQ, however.
On second thought, not Creed. I can't stand their lead singer. He's a dumbass.
For automobile manufacturers, either foreign or domestic, I have a special pricing structure for your fine products.
$5k and 1 vehicle from your fleet that you would like me to say Many Fine Things about. I require cruise control, CD changer (minimum 6), and air conditioning. For this price, you get me actually operating the vehicle on public streets during peak traffic periods.
I will also take your vehicle on at least one road trip of a minimum of 250 miles round trip. I will speak to people about what a fine vehicle it is while in gas stations and various fast food places. You're out of luck if I hit a nudie bar.
For $10k, and the desired vehicle, I will do the above, PLUS add extra road trips, of random distances of 300 miles or more round trip.
I will also attempt to seduce several attractive women using your vehicle. This will not affect your car's review adversely. Unless I can't score, in which case all bets are off.
As always, my fees can be adjusted, preferably upwards. Barter arrangments can be made as well.
Thank you for your consideration.
Turns out Williams accepted $240,000 to talk up GW's No Child Left Behind act, and get minorities to accept it.
What a waste of taxpayer money.
Such is life.
SO, I have decided that my blog is for sale. For MUCH less than $240k, I would add.
For example, if you want me to say good things about your product, then a small donation to my favorite charity, i.e. the Partsguy's Empty Wallet fund, then I'll say good things about your product or service.
For example, a donation of about, oh, $10 grand will get a nice pic of your product in its very own post, with me raving semi-sincerely about it. I'll only use the phrase " possibly won't cause your testicles to implode" once in the post.
What a deal!
For say, ohhh, $20k, You'll get the nice pic, the semi-sincere raving about it, etc, PLUS:
I'll actually consider purchase or use of your product or service, and I will mention that I'm doing so to at least 4 people of random Race, Color,Creed or Political Affiliation. I make no guarantees on IQ, however.
On second thought, not Creed. I can't stand their lead singer. He's a dumbass.
For automobile manufacturers, either foreign or domestic, I have a special pricing structure for your fine products.
$5k and 1 vehicle from your fleet that you would like me to say Many Fine Things about. I require cruise control, CD changer (minimum 6), and air conditioning. For this price, you get me actually operating the vehicle on public streets during peak traffic periods.
I will also take your vehicle on at least one road trip of a minimum of 250 miles round trip. I will speak to people about what a fine vehicle it is while in gas stations and various fast food places. You're out of luck if I hit a nudie bar.
For $10k, and the desired vehicle, I will do the above, PLUS add extra road trips, of random distances of 300 miles or more round trip.
I will also attempt to seduce several attractive women using your vehicle. This will not affect your car's review adversely. Unless I can't score, in which case all bets are off.
As always, my fees can be adjusted, preferably upwards. Barter arrangments can be made as well.
Thank you for your consideration.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Brookfield, WI
BROOKFIELD, Wis. (AP) - The man who fatally shot seven people during a quiet church service before turning the gun on himself was on the verge of losing his job and upset over a sermon he heard two weeks ago, investigators said Sunday.
Seven people dead. Four more injured. Countless other lives changed forever.
This is the price of gun control.
Our governor vetoed legislation that would've allowed law abiding WI residents to obtain concealed carry permits. The state legislature missed an override by ONE VOTE. Governor Doyle ignored the will of the people who elected him to office, and he should be made to regret it come next election.
Needless to say, Governor Doyle will NOT be getting my vote when he runs for reelection. And I WILL vote against him.
Bottom line: By toeing the antigun line, and ignoring the fact that a large percentage of antigun propaganda can be proved false quite easily, the governor has made it a lot easier for this type of thing to happen in the future.
As we all too well know by now, the bad guys operate under a different set of rules. Antigun legislation only makes those of us who obey the law more vulnerable.
I hope you're pleased with yourself, Governor. I wonder how you can sleep at night. Oh, wait, I know how. YOU have an armed 24/7 security detail.
Too bad the rest of us don't have that option.
BROOKFIELD, Wis. (AP) - The man who fatally shot seven people during a quiet church service before turning the gun on himself was on the verge of losing his job and upset over a sermon he heard two weeks ago, investigators said Sunday.
Seven people dead. Four more injured. Countless other lives changed forever.
This is the price of gun control.
Our governor vetoed legislation that would've allowed law abiding WI residents to obtain concealed carry permits. The state legislature missed an override by ONE VOTE. Governor Doyle ignored the will of the people who elected him to office, and he should be made to regret it come next election.
Needless to say, Governor Doyle will NOT be getting my vote when he runs for reelection. And I WILL vote against him.
Bottom line: By toeing the antigun line, and ignoring the fact that a large percentage of antigun propaganda can be proved false quite easily, the governor has made it a lot easier for this type of thing to happen in the future.
As we all too well know by now, the bad guys operate under a different set of rules. Antigun legislation only makes those of us who obey the law more vulnerable.
I hope you're pleased with yourself, Governor. I wonder how you can sleep at night. Oh, wait, I know how. YOU have an armed 24/7 security detail.
Too bad the rest of us don't have that option.
Tonight sometime, I'm planning on writing about the tragedy in Brookfield, WI that ocurred this weekend. I'm planning on sending an email to our honorable Governor(gag) with a linky to said post, also.
Should be interesting, methinks.
Should be interesting, methinks.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Whacko Jacko.
SANTA MARIA, Calif. — A feeble-looking Michael Jackson ambled out of court in pajama bottoms Thursday after facing the boy who has accused him of child molestation for a second day and almost landing in jail for being late to court.
ALMOST landing in jail.
Let me tell you what I think ol' Whacko's up to.
I think he's trying to make the jury think he's gone off the deep end, so they'll go easy on him.
Jacko knows that if he gets convicted and goes to the slammer, life isn't gonna be very easy for him. Therefore, it's in his best interest to stay OUT of the slammer.
The guy showing up late is just another example of his making a mockery of the judicial system.
If I was the judge, I'd drag his freak ass into chambers and give him a little talking to. It'd probably go something like this:
" OK, Jacko..listen up here. And quit making that 'hee hee' noise. It's f**king annoying. Now, if you DON'T straighten up and fly right, i'm gonna slam your freak ass into a cell so hard your fruity ass will bounce for a week."
Hopefully, the judge in this case will put his foot down and demand that Jacko quit acting like a 4 year old. Otherwise, he'll wind up looking like Judge Ito did during the Simpson trial.
Time will tell.
SANTA MARIA, Calif. — A feeble-looking Michael Jackson ambled out of court in pajama bottoms Thursday after facing the boy who has accused him of child molestation for a second day and almost landing in jail for being late to court.
ALMOST landing in jail.
Let me tell you what I think ol' Whacko's up to.
I think he's trying to make the jury think he's gone off the deep end, so they'll go easy on him.
Jacko knows that if he gets convicted and goes to the slammer, life isn't gonna be very easy for him. Therefore, it's in his best interest to stay OUT of the slammer.
The guy showing up late is just another example of his making a mockery of the judicial system.
If I was the judge, I'd drag his freak ass into chambers and give him a little talking to. It'd probably go something like this:
" OK, Jacko..listen up here. And quit making that 'hee hee' noise. It's f**king annoying. Now, if you DON'T straighten up and fly right, i'm gonna slam your freak ass into a cell so hard your fruity ass will bounce for a week."
Hopefully, the judge in this case will put his foot down and demand that Jacko quit acting like a 4 year old. Otherwise, he'll wind up looking like Judge Ito did during the Simpson trial.
Time will tell.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
The Hunt.
He walked deeper into the wooded area. The waves from the nearby lake crashed against the shore as he stopped for a moment to catch his breath. The shin- high snow wasn't frozen solid enough to walk over anymore, with the recent thaw. He looked around. It was almost as if he was in an old black and white movie, what with the snow and leafless trees all around him. He wondered what it'd be like to have someone really unhappy with him chasing him through here. He figured it'd probably not be very much fun, and was glad nobody was doing so.
His partner consulted the device, saying 'we're within 75 feet.' He looked down at the footprints they'd been following since they entered the woods.
"We're VERY close. Probably in that clump of trees there."
He stopped and looked around. There! Under that fallen tree!
"Got it!!" he said, heading towards it rapidly.
He reached in and grabbed it. They'd found it!
Sounds interesting, no?
I'm not a writer by any stretch, so that preceeding story mighta bored you a bit.
In other words, I went Geocaching today.
Go there, and read up. For the price of a used GPS receiver on Ebay, you gain entry into an interesting game played in over 200 countries.
Check it out, and forgive my lame attempt at storytelling.
His partner consulted the device, saying 'we're within 75 feet.' He looked down at the footprints they'd been following since they entered the woods.
"We're VERY close. Probably in that clump of trees there."
He stopped and looked around. There! Under that fallen tree!
"Got it!!" he said, heading towards it rapidly.
He reached in and grabbed it. They'd found it!
Sounds interesting, no?
I'm not a writer by any stretch, so that preceeding story mighta bored you a bit.
In other words, I went Geocaching today.
Go there, and read up. For the price of a used GPS receiver on Ebay, you gain entry into an interesting game played in over 200 countries.
Check it out, and forgive my lame attempt at storytelling.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Fun Link.
New linky to Presidential Condoms, as pictured here:
Are they endorsed by former President Bill Clinton?? Only the shadow knows!!
Still working on some new rants. They'll be posted soon.
Stay tuned.
Are they endorsed by former President Bill Clinton?? Only the shadow knows!!
Still working on some new rants. They'll be posted soon.
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
More Stupidity.
"SEATTLE - Should the people who make and sell "violent video" games be held accountable if someone commits a crime because of playing them?
That's something our state lawmakers are considering, to open game makers up to more liability."
Uh, okay. Hey, while you're at it, let's make Honda accountable for some drunk college asshole wrapping his Civic around a telephone pole.
"House Bill 2178 proposes to hold the makers and sellers of violent video games liable if someone under 17 years old commits a crime, due in any part, to playing the game.
Supporters of the bill, like Bill Hanson with the Washington Police and Sheriff's Association, say "kids" are getting the games, and they're becoming desensitized. "
Looks like the "kids" have parents that aren't doing their jobs. HEY!! I've got an idea!! Let's hold the PARENTS responsible, because they obviously didn't do a good job at teaching their kids right from wrong.
"Opponents argue that the proposed bill would shift the responsibility from the person who actually committed the crime.
Lew McMurran, with the Washington Software Association, says violent games are clearly rated for adults only, and that the responsibility should be on parents to use the video game rating system and control what their kids are playing. "
Oh no, we can't have that. Then those parents would actually have to pay attention to little Timmy, instead of spending all their free time fantasizing about screwing the mailman or the secretary. Damn.
McMurran again:
"We're removing the responsibility from the person who committed the act, to somebody else who's completely removed from the situation"
No kidding. That'd be like blaming U2 for the fact that Evanescence sucks more ass than the vacuum shitter on the space shuttle.
Right now in my collection, I have a couple of 'M' rated video games. I'm also an adult (chronologically, anyway) and I know I can't go around running people over with my truck, even though I saw it in a video game.
I will admit there are times the idea is tempting. The only problem is cleaning dead hippies off the tires. The patchouli oil smell takes weeks to go away.
Note: the proceeding paragraph is a joke, and is in no way meant to be serious. I am not implying that hippies should be run over. If you take that last paragraph literally, it's your own damn fault if you get locked up.
I'm working on some more incredibly funny commentary on a couple other subjects. Stay tuned for those.
"SEATTLE - Should the people who make and sell "violent video" games be held accountable if someone commits a crime because of playing them?
That's something our state lawmakers are considering, to open game makers up to more liability."
Uh, okay. Hey, while you're at it, let's make Honda accountable for some drunk college asshole wrapping his Civic around a telephone pole.
"House Bill 2178 proposes to hold the makers and sellers of violent video games liable if someone under 17 years old commits a crime, due in any part, to playing the game.
Supporters of the bill, like Bill Hanson with the Washington Police and Sheriff's Association, say "kids" are getting the games, and they're becoming desensitized. "
Looks like the "kids" have parents that aren't doing their jobs. HEY!! I've got an idea!! Let's hold the PARENTS responsible, because they obviously didn't do a good job at teaching their kids right from wrong.
"Opponents argue that the proposed bill would shift the responsibility from the person who actually committed the crime.
Lew McMurran, with the Washington Software Association, says violent games are clearly rated for adults only, and that the responsibility should be on parents to use the video game rating system and control what their kids are playing. "
Oh no, we can't have that. Then those parents would actually have to pay attention to little Timmy, instead of spending all their free time fantasizing about screwing the mailman or the secretary. Damn.
McMurran again:
"We're removing the responsibility from the person who committed the act, to somebody else who's completely removed from the situation"
No kidding. That'd be like blaming U2 for the fact that Evanescence sucks more ass than the vacuum shitter on the space shuttle.
Right now in my collection, I have a couple of 'M' rated video games. I'm also an adult (chronologically, anyway) and I know I can't go around running people over with my truck, even though I saw it in a video game.
I will admit there are times the idea is tempting. The only problem is cleaning dead hippies off the tires. The patchouli oil smell takes weeks to go away.
Note: the proceeding paragraph is a joke, and is in no way meant to be serious. I am not implying that hippies should be run over. If you take that last paragraph literally, it's your own damn fault if you get locked up.
I'm working on some more incredibly funny commentary on a couple other subjects. Stay tuned for those.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
A clever title escapes me.
So, yesterday I posted about finding stuffed bear heads in a store in Danbury. A little surfing this evening finds a linky.
All kinds of fun stuff. Seeing as I'm planning on doing some redecorating this year, one of these might just find its way into my apartment. Should go well with the Mission style furniture I'm planning on.
More later. I don't have much to say tonight.
All kinds of fun stuff. Seeing as I'm planning on doing some redecorating this year, one of these might just find its way into my apartment. Should go well with the Mission style furniture I'm planning on.
More later. I don't have much to say tonight.
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