From Sick O'Waiting, from lovely Passaic, NJ;
Dear Mr PartsGuy:
My lovely GF is damned near FLAWLESS, except for one minor flaw. If we go to the grocery store, it takes her FOREVER to get the stuff she wants, and get out, whereas if I go myself, it takes roughly 15 minutes.
My question is: Is there any way I can get her to speed up the process??
Dear Mr O'Waiting:
(deep breath)
Err, umm, sorry.
Your GF's, shall we say, glacial progress in the grocery store, actually, any store at all, is genetically imprinted. You'd have better luck shaving a yak during the rut. Shaving the yak would probably be a lot less painful too.
The bottom line here is: Do you wish to see her naked ever again? Then do what every man has had to do: Suck it up, and try to go to your happy place. Think CAMPING.
Which brings us to our next subject to cover.
Your humble PartsGuy has become slightly enamored of camping. I rather enjoy the silence, and not having anything important to do other than set up the campsite. To that end, I splurged and got a tent off for 44 bucks. Sweet.
Speaking of Amazon, I recently discovered that my Wish List there is still active. Sweet. I've now added some junk to it, mostly videogames because I've yet to grow up. As I've said before, I've tried maturity, and frankly, I don't recommend it. I'm not going to publish it, though I may in the future.
Today I went with the NEEG to Gander Mountain because she wanted to buy a compass. Now, getting me to go to Gander is about as difficult as convincing me to eat a Porterhouse steak.
In other words, it's easy as pie. I can happily wander around Gander for hours. Today was no different. I found 3 guns I'd like to have, some cool camping stuff, and a nice Arctic Cat ATV.
I'm here to tell you, if I had my jetski paid off, I'd be getting an ATV. There's an awesome trail about 10 minutes from Stately PartsGuy Manor. Goes for miles and miles, plus there's other places not too far from here either.
As I was
Happily, she's doing well, and it turns out the old friend has cleaned up his act a wee bit, which is a good thing indeed.
The jetski was taken out last week for its maiden voyage. All went well, except for the fact that I'm a wee bit heavy for the machine, which I hope to remedy this year.
She's a wee bit tippy, and if you're not giving her the respect she deserves, into the drink you go. Don't ask me how I know this.
I need to get back into shape so getting back on isn't such a daunting task.
She's a bit slow to get on plane, but when she does, WOW! Off you go like a scalded cat! I plan on doing a GPS run to see how fast the beast actually goes.
I'm thinking such a wondrous beast deserves a name that suits her. I'm open to suggestions.
And last, but not least, I'm in the middle of developing something called "Embracing Your Inner Og". It'll be a self help thing for men, only done PartsGuy style. Look for it in the near future.
As always, may the Bluebird Of Happiness crap on your car.