Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stuff that irks me lately.

So, I guess the Oscars were handed out not too long ago. I didn't watch, because frankly, I don't really give a damn. I guess Heath Ledger managed to win one. I think it was "Best Performance Award Posthumously Given To A Dumbass Cokehead" Best Supporting Actor or somesuch.

I guess Jennifer Aniston presented an award, and was cool even though Brad Shitt, errr, PITT, was sitting in the front with Angelina Jolie.

I usually don't care about Hollyweird actors very much. In my opinion, most of them would be hard pressed to find useful work were Hollywood to quit making movies. Of course, that moron Matt Damon could always find work as a political commentator, due to his astute political analysis. (snicker)

Anyway, as a man, I think Pitt is an amoral pig, and undeserving to be called a man. So Brad, screw you.

Aside to Ms. Aniston: should you tire of that John Mayer guy, feel free to gimme a call.

Anyway, I just have one more observation: Is it just me, or has Rachel Ray put on some weight? Looks pretty good. Yum-o, indeed.

I'd write more, but I'm beat.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Here comes the gun grabbing.

From :

Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009

To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.

If you have any brains, the part that says "and for other purposes" should be setting off alarm bells!!

Call your Congresscritter and inform him that this bill is bad news and should be shot down immediately.

Gun laws keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, not criminals. For proof that firearms confiscation doesn't work, look over the Atlantic to Britain. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Here's another way to look at it: If these fools manage to gut the Second Amendment, what's keeping them from attacking the others??

Again, i implore you to call your Congressman and tell him to vote against H.R. 45 should it actually make it out of committee.

More food for thought: Why would our government want to disarm us?

Think about it.