Yep. I got one of these too. Gander Mountain was having a sale, and I got it for 20% off. I spent about an hour in my basement shooting at targets. Fun fun fun.
So, tonight I was watching some TV while I ate dinner. The only thing I could find worth watching was Extreme Makeover on ABC. I don't know why these shows fascinate me, but they do.
Anyway, they showed a segment on some people who'd had surgery done last year, or season if you will. It was a guy and his girlfriend, both of whom had lost a lot of weight, and had some physical issues, probably mostly saggy skin and stuff like that. The lady happened to be a drama teacher at a high school. and it turns out her having the surgery caused some, quote, 'controversy' among some parents. Some of the parents were of the opinion that her having the surgery was sending the wrong message to the kids.
What a bunch of bleeding heart liberal, PC bullshit, spouted by a bunch of braindead assholes who don't have a rewarding hobby of some sort. Christ, take up freakin needlepoint or something, and stay out of other people's business.
I really don't see what the problem is with her going through with the surgery. Truly, it's her body, she had to go through all the crap before and after the surgery, so what a bunch of whiny pasty faced numbskulls who could do to lose 30 pounds themselves means absolutely nothing.
I'm of the opinion that if someone were to come along and say 'Hey, we'd like to set you up with some of the best plastic surgeons on the planet, and have them work their magic on you. Oh, and BTW, we're gonna snap up the tab on this for ya' that the people that would say "Ya know, I'm REALLY happy with my thunder thighs and nose that comes around the corner before I do. I'm gonna have to take a pass." are few and far between.
What would I say to such an oppurtunity? I honestly don't know. There's a few things I'd like to change, but short of winning the lottery, it ain't happening. I'm thinking ABC isn't gonna make me look like Mel Gibson anytime soon, so I don't worry about it.
Face it. We're ALL flawed in one way or another. That's the way genetics works. Ain't a one of us perfect, well, except maybe for Cindy Crawford!
Err, sorry. I hadn't posted anything about my undying lust for Cindy Crawford for quite some time, and that seemed like the perfect opportunity. Sue me.
OK, where was I??
Right. Plastic surgery.
I was reading an article in Playboy some years back. (I'm a guy. I like looking at gorgeous naked women. Deal with it.) The Playmate was quoted as saying "Looks aren't at all important..blah blah blah".
Yep, if you're as cynical as I am, you're thinking the same thing I thought. Something along the lines of "Yeah, right. This broad must think I fell off the turnip truck yesterday."
Who knows. Maybe she'd gotten burned by too many pretty boys who only wanted her for the fact she was built like a brick shithouse, and ignored the fact that yeah, she DID have her own opinions on the world around her.
Remember Average Joe on NBC? I was utterly fascinated and watched it religiously every week. I was rooting for the guy from Boston, a guy named Brian Worth. Granted, we didn't see ALL that went on behind the scenes, but from what I was able to gather, Brian is they type of guy you can drink beer with, scope out babes, and generally have one hell of a good time with. Brian wasn't ever gonna be on GQ's cover, but he put out that cool guy vibe, while his opponent, for lack of a better word, had the personality of a dishtowel.
3 guesses who the bimbo chose. The first 2 don't count.
Anyhow, my man Brian wasn't gonna let the fact that he got passed over for a far LESSER example of mankind slow down his pursuit of a good time. Hell no. Life goes on for him, it's all good, and I'm willing to bet he's dating far better than that airhead. He did have a website up at one time, I don't know if it's still there or not.
Well, enough about that.
I recently read an article at another blog, actually a list of what the blogger thought were the 10 best guitar solos. Interesting subject, I thought. So, I'm working on my own 10 best list. When it's done, I'll post it up, and feel free to list your own favorites in the comments section. I should have it done this weekend sometime.
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