Today, I finally got the boards glued together for my workbench. I even went to the Evil Empire and got a cheap shelf to hold some stuff, so things are coming along quite nicely.
When I got home, I was unloading my car and I heard a loud THUD. This kid had been walking along with an older girl, prob a babysitter, and he'd hit her. Damned hard too. I looked up and said " did he just hit you?" The girl said 'yes, and it hurt.'
So, me being just slightly cranky, I lit into the little bastard. I asked him how he'd like it if I was to go and smack him one. He wasn't too hip on the idea. I gave him a mini-lecture, and then they went on their way. I think the babysitter/older sister was trying not to laugh at the little monster getting hollered at.
Amazing. When I was but a young'un, I was always informed that if the sitter told us to do something, it was the same as one of them telling us to do something. We also knew that if we did anything wrong, there'd be consequences when they got home.
Needless to say, we behaved.
I got my shelf put together, and now 4 of my boats are sitting ever so happily on their new shelf. I've put up a few posters, none of women scantily clad, amazingly. I MUST remedy that situation ASAP.
I haven't decided whether or not to move my computer stuff out into the new BR. Time will tell.
Sorry for an uninteresting post. Sometime soon, I shall turn my enormous writing talent(HUH??- partsguy research staff)towards writing something funny again.(yeah, THAT'LL happen- partsguy research staff)
Jeeze, I thought I'd locked the door to the dun-errrr, Secret PartsGuy Research Facility. Guess not. Bloody ingrates they are, asking to be fed more than 3 times a week. I mean, I showed them some nice pictures of ribeye steak last week! What more can I do??
No new news, really. Stately Partsguy Manor hasn't fallen down, The Partsmobiles haven't exploded, CDB hasn't managed to do something dumb and get himself killed, nothin'. Boredom, boredom, boredom.
But hey, my workroom's almost done! W00t!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
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