Thursday, October 06, 2005


Ok. I got bored.

So, I finally got around to tinkering with something I've been wanting to do for a while, which was to set up the clickable linkies on the right to open in new windows. Thanks for the code, Pointman!!

Also, you'll see a link to Old Grump. He's as cranky as I am, so he makes for some good reading. Check him out!!

Work has been no end of fun lately. The new company uses a different computer system than we used to, so we're all learning a new way to do stuff, which has been interesting, to say the least. Happily, once we explain to customers that we've got a new computer system, they're VERY understanding. Woohoo!! The new system has a TON of neato features, but learning how to access 'em all is not an easy task. We're totally confident that by the end of the month, we'll have the system down cold. We rawk.

I see by the web counting gadget thingy that I'm close to 1,000 hits. That's cool, but I want MORE, dammit!! If you haven't already, pass on to your friends the address for Pure Creamy Goodness, willya? Thanks.

Nothing much more has happened in the 'Pimp My Sedan' thing, mainly because we've been running around like crazy with the new lookup system. I've been surfing for ideas, though. There're a few goofy ideas running through the 'ol noggin, for sure.

As always, ladies..send pics for Fabbo Babe of the Week. I'm gonna start it up again, since Kim DuToit's site is gone, for good most likely. Someone has to take up the slack.

And, in closing, remember this:

Some people are like Slinkies: Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

Thank you, and goodnight.

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