Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'm cranky.

I would like someone to explain to me why you would allow your child to scream at the top of its lungs in public, when you sure wouldn't allow that type of behavior at home.

Tonight, I went to the local Caucasian Refuse Sanctuary(Walmart), and we could hear this kid hollering for whatever reason from halfway across the store. The kid's got a future as a singer, for sure. Mom is standing there attempting to convince the kid to put a jacket on, and the kid's having none of it.

Is it just me, or is attempting to negotiate ANYTHING with a 2-3 year old a complete waste of time? I'm standing and rooting for mom to haul off and belt the kid. I'm also sure I wasn't the only one. Grandma is busy trying to put away the powered shopping cart, and is absolutely useless.

So, my buddy and I follow this happy lil family out the door. We' re watching this sorta close, as we'd figured as much as the kid was screamin, her head was gonna start spinning around any second, and pea soup all over the place. No such luck.

I generally don't condone beating the crap out of kids, but in that case, I sure would have understood mom layin' the smack down.

I would have cheered.

In happy news: Black for PS2 will be released Tuesday. I can't WAIT!!

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