Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial day 2006

The Memorial Day weekend is just about over, and I have a few thoughts about it.

Hopefully this finds everyone safe and sound after pigging out on much barbecued food 'n tasty drinks.

Hopefully we've all stopped to reflect on the sacrifices made by ordinary Americans to keep the US a free country. I know I have.

Hopefully the Iraqi insurgents will soon taste defeat, and we can all rejoice in another country being free from the heavy thumb of tyranny.

Hopefully, this will cause more countries to become free.

Hopefully, my nieces and nephews will never have to serve our country during an armed conflict.

Hopefully, nobody else's nieces and nephew will either.

Hopefully, I won't have to go to another friend's funeral.

Hopefully, they won't be attending mine.

I'll probably write more stuff later, but for now, it's frickin' gorgeous outside. I'm gonna head out and enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

So does this mean you're voting for Feingold/Clinton next round?????

The PartsGuy said...

It means that I'm voting for whoever will have the guts to ignore the liberal media, and do what needs to be done, whether it's Iraq, or Illegal Immigration.

Feingold I lie, but if he picks that bitch Hillary, screw him.