Saturday, June 03, 2006

Interesting place to go babewatching.

So, anyways.

NEEG decided she needed to go to the local Organic grocery place and get some bizarre noodle type concoction for lunches at work. Being one who believes that new experiences are a good thing, I went along.

She picks up this noodle thing, and says " look at this. " It's Chicken Sesame, or something of that nature, and it's VEGETARIAN. Ain't that something? I'm gonna take a wild stab at it, and place its taste somewhere between vile and disgusting.

So, while she's putzing around trying to figure out what to have for dinner, I happened to notice something. There were a LOT of very attractive ladies. Also, as it's a bit warm out, said ladies weren't wearing very much.

Your humble correspondent VERY much likes summertime.

So, here stands your humble PartsGuy, in a store FULL of people whose beliefs are about the exact opposite of mine. I was half tempted to yell "I VOTED FOR BUSH BOTH TIMES!!!!" just to see what would happen.

While I was there, I discovered they actually carried MEAT. As a cynical bastard who expects anyplace called the Whole Foods Co-op to have 800 different kinds of granola, veggie burgers up the ol' wazoo,and 15 thousand stinky hippies, this was nothing short of a religious experience.

So, I cleaned up the 'ol Foreman grill, tossed one on.

Wow. I was astonished by the taste. Awesome. I'd picked up some grassfed beef, sold by www.thousandhillscattleco. No chemicals, preservatives, or anything. Try it. Good stuff.

I was gonna write some funny stuff about playing pranks on telemarketers, but I think I'll save that for another time.


Anonymous said...

Man he gets a jet ski.,..and now hes a yuppie

The PartsGuy said...


Trust me, I could NEVER be a yuppie.

I'm WAY too manly.

Anonymous said...

beleive it or not, the chicken seseme thing actually does taste good to those of us like veggies and stuff........i draw the line at fungus (mushrooms) and mold (olives)