I managed to find footage of the whole thing, but the footage was shot on a celly phone camera, and wasn't very good. Eh.
I'm all for the death penalty. I'm happy he's dead. A vicious murderer is gone, and now the people of Iraq can truly move on.
Now we just need Bin Laden a-swingin' from the gallows pole.
On to other things...
I was wandering around the local Caucasian Refuse Supply Procurement Center, i.e. WalMart, and I saw a woman I'd graduated HS with. She didn't see me, as I'm basically invisible to the female gender. Anyways, this girl wouldn't give me the time of day in school. Judging by her appearance, she'd been rode hard and put away wet. Is it wrong that it made me giggle a lil bit to see her that way?
OK, there's something that's been bothering me a wee bit lately. I've been noticing men wearing glasses that look like this:
Ok, guys, seriously...the PartsGuy has one word to describe these. GAY.
Seriously, the first thing I think when I see someone wearing these: "Gay."
They look stupid. Quit wearing them. Unless you're gay.
Your humble PartsGuy is giving consideration to writing a style manual for men. My working title for it is "Tuck Your Goddamned Shirt In!!"
I spent some of my giftcard monetary units on a nice lil vidgame called "Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War"
This is a way cool game. It has 5 diff gameplay levels, from Very Easy to Ace. I'm starting it at Very Easy, and will finish it at that level to get my bearings, then work through the other levels. Should keep interest up for the cold winter months ahead.
Well, I would write more, but I'm off to WallyWorld to burn up some giftcard money.
May the bluebird of happiness crap on your car.
What ...No more porn????
Maybe it's a way of saying, "I'm going through a mid-life crisis that I don't want to admit to. Instead of buying a sports-car (which I can't afford), I'm going to flash back to the 60's, when life was good, and Dad wore glasses like these. I'm a dad, after all! And I'm cool! And hip! And these are NOT the same glasses Dad paid $35 for! Notice they have thicker arms, denoting that I paid $450 for something much more stylish.
Me? Give up porn? Hardly.
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