Friday, April 13, 2007

Shit that makes me crabby.

OK, so I REALLY need to vent some anger 'n stuff. I plan on a few naughty words, so you may want to take that under advisement, and not read much further, cuz I'm not gonna be talking about cute furry puppies.

So, I ran to another store today to grab a few things. I'm on my way back, sitting at a stoplight, and listening to some quiet tuneage. It's a fairly decent afternoon, so I've got my window down. The chick next to me is playing some rap bullshit, but not very loud, so I didn't think much of it.

Apparently, the mouthbreathing highschool punk behind me in an Eagle Talon decided to attempt to wow said female with the system in his car, sort of like a male peacock during mating season, except MUCH louder, and with less plumage. All of a sudden, all I could hear was BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM. This I found most displeasing. I also wished that I was in the PartsGuy Truck, instead of a work vehicle. Then, I would have been very tempted to put it in reverse, and stand on the gas. I think an airbag in his face would have been just punishment. That, or a baseball bat to the head.

Maybe we can get lucky and this kid will do something really stupid, and wrap himself around a tree and take himself out of the gene pool.

Apparently, parents don't teach their kids to consider other people. Sheesh.

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