Tuesday, September 11, 2007

6 years later.

Yep. 6 years ago, our world was turned upside down by a bunch of Muslim fanatics. I hope they're rotting in Hell as we speak.

I'm going to wager most people will spend today working, playing with their kids, making sweet, sweet luuuuuuuuuuv to their significant others, basically, the stuff we do as Americans every day.


What better way to give the Al-Quieda assholes fits than to go ahead and do the things we're free to do? In my opinion, that's the best F**k you. So, if you need ideas, let me give you some.

Since Islam treats women like property, and makes them cover themselves, tell any lady you see how lovely she looks today. Then go buy a Playboy magazine and look at the pretty ladies.

Since Islam forbids the eating of pork... eat a bacon cheeseburger, or some pork chops...you get the idea.

There's a couple of ideas for you, I'm sure you can come up with others.

I'd really like to turn on the news tonight and see that Bin Laden has been captured, or killed. I'd prefer that he face the American judicial system, but if he were to catch a bullet with his head, I could live quite happily with that.

On the flip side, there's some people who deserve a swift kick in the ass today. I'll list them, and my reasons why.

First and foremost, GW Bush deserves a kick in the ass for spending more time on Iraq than chasing down Bin Laden. Yes, Hussein was evil incarnate, but a sniper's bullet to the head would have achieved the same results.

Second, every member of the liberal media deserves a kick in the ass, only because they have no balls. This spineless bunch of cowards doesn't bother to do their jobs properly, and people have DIED because of it. Yeah, Newsweek, that means YOU.

Third, assholes who sit and say "No Blood For Oil". You morons don't even know what you're talking about.

Forth, assholes who'd rather spend today in denial. Liberals, mostly. Make sure to flip one off if you get the chance.

There's more people that deserve a kick in the ass, if not the head, but I'm not going to list them. I've got better things to do today, such as doing my part to keep the wheels of commerce turning, and keep America running.

I suggest you do the same.

Also, I'd like to say something to Muslim moderates who won't condemn radical Muslims' actions.

You people are cowards. Were it up to me, you'd be deported TODAY. To keep silent while your fellow Muslims randomy kill innocent people to the tune of more than 9400 attacks since 9/11/01, and yet you remain strangely silent. Does this mean complicity? Nah.

Just means you're chickenshit cowards.

And with that, I'm off to have a bacon cheeseburger and look at some porn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "No Blood For Oil" group is definitely showing their ignorance. "No Blood For Poppies" would be much more appropriate. Or how about "No Money For Israel?" which is what makes us such a target in the Middle East, probably even more so than the poppy plants of the drug lords we support.