Sunday, December 12, 2004

Hardee's Monster Thickburger

We've all seen the commercials for the Monster Thickburger. I gotta tell ya, once the GF was out of town for a weekend, I hauled ass over and got myself one.

Oh my GOD, was it GOOD!!! I felt myself getting fatter just ordering it!! I couldn't eat one all the time, but once in a great while, oh hell yeah!!

Long story short, go get yourself one. Better yet, go get one, and then go eat it at a PETA meeting. That oughta cause a coronary or several.


Anonymous said...

Ok, i'm just checkin to see if the comments section works

Anonymous said...

we don't have hardees out west but sounds good to me. I will find some other place to made me hungry just reading your description of your ordering it....this will be fun, this site, lot more fun and interesting than just boring email back and forth. Keep up the good know who lives out west, so don't try and figure it out cuz..................LOL