Thursday, December 23, 2004

It's COLD!! + other random thoughts

Yup, cold cold cold.

14 below zero last I checked, about an hour ago. Staying in is a very good option.

I got the motor mount glued into one of the r/c boats I'm building. I've got 3 I'm working on this winter. I'm taking my time, I figure I've got till about May before it's warm enough to go out and play with them, so hurrying is definitely not on the agenda. I went to the local hobby shop to buy some parts, and the owner commented that there wasn't a whole lot of demand for boat stuff, it being the wrong season and all. My reply? "It's building season now, brother!'

One of my coworkers asked me if I wanted to go to Walmart after work with him, as he had to do some shopping for his GF. I of course agreed immediately, especially since he offered up dinner as an enticement. Homemade pizza, with lotsa pepperoni 'n Canadian bacon. Tasty.

Ok, where was I?

Right. Walmart. Anyhow, we roll into Wallyworld parking lot, and right into a nice lil traffic jam. The Walmart here has their lot in a wee bit of a mess, as they're building a super Wallyworld right next to it, and it's just a mess right now.

We find ourselves stopped in the entrance drive because some jackass in a Suburban has decided he needs to wait for his wife right in front of the entrance doors. Ordinarily, this isn't much of a big deal, just whip around the moron and shoot him the finger. BUT, our friend has managed to position his truck in such a way to block BOTH lanes. Neato. For some reason, he finally moves his truck, glaring at the person behind him. Is it wrong to wish someone would have dragged this guy out of his truck and smacked him in the head a couple times for being an inconsiderate bastard?

Someone left a comment about my Xmas list post, suggesting I may wish to get my hormones in check. I haven't dumped the comment, but I will respond to it later. I'm going to bed.

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