Thursday, May 12, 2005

Random schtuff.

Went to a wedding the other weekend. A friend decided to try her luck again. My first question was: "Are you INSANE???" I met a really cute bartender, so it wasn't all bad.

I'm getting really antsy for the weather to warm up. I've got a couple of r/c boats that need some water time, and it's been too friggin cold to go play. I slapped together a boat for my nephew's birthday earlier this week. Should be most excellent to see the look on his face when he opens it.

I managed to get some work done to a 1/16 scale hydroplane I've been working on here and there. Got the old crappy paint all sanded off, and now it's in primer ready to go. Paint color is undecided as of yet, it'll probably stay in primer until I get the mechanical stuff sorted out.

I'll try to write some funny stuff later this week. I've got to apologize for this blog entry, because it's putting ME to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"try her luck" you mean she tried to jump your bones AGAIN? And you turned her down?