Sunday, May 29, 2005

Weekends off rock!

So, for some bizarre reason, I got a 3 day weekend, and don't have to be back till 11:30 on Tuesday.


I got all my laundry done yesterday, so I spent most of today Geocaching. I'm well and truly tired, but I got 4 more finds. :D

I got bored last night, so I counted the cashage in the R/C Boat Fund. Over $175. Hot dog.

I might have found myself a way to add to the R/C Boat Fund. I built a boat stand for a buddy, and he liked it so much he asked me for another one. I'm thinkin of whomping up a few kits and putting them on Ebay and seeing what happens. WTF, people have bought crazier crap off ebay. Might as well make some cash my own bad self. It's going to a good cause, for sure. I just have to sit and figure out the most efficient use of the materials, to keep costs down to a livable level.

The plan for tomorrow is to sleep in, maybe take one of the boats out for a spin and see if I can solve it's lack of speed problem.

The Great Cat Hunt is on, also. My Airsoft pistol's on my coffee table with a full clip in it. God help that little bastard if I decide to get one of the full-auto ones. I'm thinking being on the recieving end of a full clip would convince the little furball to go elsewhere.

As always, I'm accepting nominations for Fabbo Babe of the Week, so email your thoughts to and put FBW in the subject line. Ladies, feel free to send pics.

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