Saturday, February 04, 2006

Wow! 2 days in a row!

The first day of your humble PartsGuy being in charge went well. This scares me. I only have to make it to next Thursday when the boss gets back.

I got left some projects to do, 3 stocklifts and a relabel project. 2 of the 3 stocklifts are done. My plan is to get as much of it done as I can tomorrow, so they're out of the way. I'm planning on sticking a couple of the guys on the relabel while I handle the last stocklift. We'll see how that goes. I'm hoping to have the last lift done tomorrow, in between shuffling paperwork and other crap.

I got my stock purchase statement today. As of 12/30/05, I own almost 13 shares of the company. PartsGuy= future mogul? Who knows. I maxed out my contribution to the plan, as I figure if it goes right off the top, I won't miss it. It'd be nice to be able to buy about 15 shares or so per quarter. Woohoo.

Your humble PartsGuy also managed to get his taxes finished. The refund will be more than enough to get the digital SLR camera I've been lusting after since PartsDad let me try his:

Ain't it pretty?? It's the Nikon D50. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my Minolta Z2, I just want something that'll let me get better pics for actually printing off, instead of seeing them all on my computer.

I REALLY would like to print off a few pics to keep, just in case my computer gets nailed with another virus that causes me to lose all my pics. I could care less about the pics of naked chicks, but to lose the pics of a dear friend who passed away REALLY corks my butt.

So, tomorrow is day 2 of the PartsGuy In Command Challenge. Should make for some interesting reading later this week. One of the days is going to be absolutely hellish. It's ok though, as I relish the idea. Bring it on.

In video game news:

Criterion Games says 'Black' will be released Feb 21st. I can't wait.

Other stuff:

If you have a broadband connection, then go here. Download the video of Keith Olberman taking the piss out of Bill O'Reilly. Incredibly funny!!! I had tears from laughing so hard.

I'd LOVE to know what that braying jackass dipdunk thought about the potshots Olbermann took. About time someone gave back what that bullying asshole dishes out.

I'm willing to bet O'Reilly whines like a girl.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to save for lenses, and a flash, if you plan on using it indoors. It's kind of an expensive hobby. Canon has a few nice cameras (20D, and the new 5D) that don't have the odd Setup menu that Nikon tends to use, but it depends on which you like better.

Anonymous said...

Well, ##NAME##, whaddya know? You've got quite a blog there. Not exactly what I was expecting, but good. I'll make a note to look in again. Rex ##LINK##