The lovely and talented Helen Hunt. There's just something about the way she carries herself that works for me. I especially enjoyed her in 'What Women Want'.
Today, UN and I decided that, even though the weather outside is frightful, that a trip away from Stately PartsGuy Manor was in order, and made a trip to the Electric Fetus. What luck! a 20% off sale!!
Your humble correspondent LOVES 20% off sales. So, I scooped up two CDs instead of the usual one.
The first one is playing on my computer as we speak. It's a blues CD by Renee Austin,called 'Sweet Talk'.
If you enjoy blues and roots music, you need this CD. Ms. Austin jumps from genre to genre, and does so effortlessly. Included on this disc is a duet with Delbert McClinton called 'Pretend We Never Met' which alone is worth the price of admission.
You're probably going to have to hunt for this disc, so I'll try and make it easier.
That should get you on your way.
Sadly, one of Renee's vocal cords was damaged during surgery to remove a lump from her thyroid gland, cutting her career short. We are lucky to have these CDs to document her talent. Hopefully a miracle will occur and she can return to what she does VERY well.
The second CD I picked up is by Bad Religion, which I consider to be one of the best punk bands EVER.
This one's called 'Tested', and it's a live CD that I'd never seen or heard of. As far as live CDs go, most of them suck. This one is a happy exception. All of the best BR tunes are on here, definitely one to pick up. Amazon will probably have this one. If you don't like punk, then don't get it.
Thus concludes this post.
As always, may the bluebird of happiness crap on your car.
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