For this week's clip, I chose a tune by Larry Carlton. The tune is called 'Room 335'. Larry earned the nickname 'Mr. 335' years ago, as one of his favored instruments is the Gibson 335. Great guitar, great player, great tune. I listened to several versions of the tune, and the version I picked, I picked because I liked the energy and tone. The guitar he's playing in this clip appears to be a Fender Telecaster, though. Go figure.
Room 335
As a side note, if you own Christopher Cross' 1st CD, you'll hear Larry playing on a couple of those tunes as well. Good stuff.
On another happy note, the search for a new PartsGuyMobile has ended for now. I'm now the proud papa of a '90 Chevy K1500 pickup. Got it for a song.
Ain't she a beauty? I could do without the clearance lights, but that's a minor quibble. It's snowing something fierce here this weekend, so I'mma play in the snow!!! W00T!
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