So, it's the 3rd day of a 3 day weekend. All the laundry's been caught up, so the weekend is MINE.
Spent the morning cleaning out the new Partsguymobile. I picked it up from my mom on the cheap, which I like. Cheap cars rule. Spent a lot of time cleaning the glass, as Mom smokes like a chimney. The towel I used was just nasty afterwards. I ended up throwing it out. The upholstery is beyond anything I can do, so that'll have to be done by a pro. Mental Note: Buy Shopvac.
After car cleanup, I took off with UN for a bike ride. Great day for it, about 70 degrees or so. I managed 14 miles with only a couple of rest stops, so woohoo for me. Unfortunately, I also got sunburned again. Mental Note #2: Buy Sunscreen!
We saw some hawks on the way back to the truck. They seemed to be having a very good time riding thermals, so we stopped to watch. There were 5 of them, just soaring and having one hell of a good time flying just to fly. I've never been a real envious person, but I was jealous of those hawks.
I did notice something on my ride. People who ride, for lack of a better term, 10 speeds, aren't very courteous. We encountered people rollerblading, or riding a mountain bike, and without fail, if they were going to pass you, they'd let you know by saying 'on your left' and passing. Not the 10 speed riders. They just blasted by, not bothering to let us know they were there. Apparently we're mere peasants and should have known they were there. Didya ever notice how many accidents are caused by self centered assholes?
On the way back, we passed a guy selling stuff on the side of the road. I said something along the lines of 'if the guy's sellin diecast, we stop.' Lo and behold.
I now have a 1/18 scale model of a '32 Ford roadster. I only had a $20 on me, or I would have had a few more.
Got home, and plowed through a cheeseburger 'n fries, and a bowl of ice cream, then decided a nap was in order. This is unusual for me, as I'm not a big nap person. Today, it seemed like a good idea, and it was. Methinks I should do the nap thing more often.
I'd planned to throw an r/c boat or 2 in the water today, but that didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow.
I'm planning on trying to write some more funny stuff this week, maybe even toss in some pics of the r/c boat fleet. Everything depends on the weather. Good weather, I'll be outside. Rain, well, who knows what I'll be doing.
I did add a new linky for your perusal, Northwoods Woman. If you're a sensitive sort, read with caution, as she pulls no punches.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Weekends off rock!
So, for some bizarre reason, I got a 3 day weekend, and don't have to be back till 11:30 on Tuesday.
I got all my laundry done yesterday, so I spent most of today Geocaching. I'm well and truly tired, but I got 4 more finds. :D
I got bored last night, so I counted the cashage in the R/C Boat Fund. Over $175. Hot dog.
I might have found myself a way to add to the R/C Boat Fund. I built a boat stand for a buddy, and he liked it so much he asked me for another one. I'm thinkin of whomping up a few kits and putting them on Ebay and seeing what happens. WTF, people have bought crazier crap off ebay. Might as well make some cash my own bad self. It's going to a good cause, for sure. I just have to sit and figure out the most efficient use of the materials, to keep costs down to a livable level.
The plan for tomorrow is to sleep in, maybe take one of the boats out for a spin and see if I can solve it's lack of speed problem.
The Great Cat Hunt is on, also. My Airsoft pistol's on my coffee table with a full clip in it. God help that little bastard if I decide to get one of the full-auto ones. I'm thinking being on the recieving end of a full clip would convince the little furball to go elsewhere.
As always, I'm accepting nominations for Fabbo Babe of the Week, so email your thoughts to and put FBW in the subject line. Ladies, feel free to send pics.
I got all my laundry done yesterday, so I spent most of today Geocaching. I'm well and truly tired, but I got 4 more finds. :D
I got bored last night, so I counted the cashage in the R/C Boat Fund. Over $175. Hot dog.
I might have found myself a way to add to the R/C Boat Fund. I built a boat stand for a buddy, and he liked it so much he asked me for another one. I'm thinkin of whomping up a few kits and putting them on Ebay and seeing what happens. WTF, people have bought crazier crap off ebay. Might as well make some cash my own bad self. It's going to a good cause, for sure. I just have to sit and figure out the most efficient use of the materials, to keep costs down to a livable level.
The plan for tomorrow is to sleep in, maybe take one of the boats out for a spin and see if I can solve it's lack of speed problem.
The Great Cat Hunt is on, also. My Airsoft pistol's on my coffee table with a full clip in it. God help that little bastard if I decide to get one of the full-auto ones. I'm thinking being on the recieving end of a full clip would convince the little furball to go elsewhere.
As always, I'm accepting nominations for Fabbo Babe of the Week, so email your thoughts to and put FBW in the subject line. Ladies, feel free to send pics.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Couple things.
So, I'm reading my email today, and one of them is a reply to one of my posts, specifically this one: I WANT one of these.
The reply is from Acidman, of Gut Rumbles fame. Imagine my surprise at finding he'd actually read one of my posts, and made the time to respond. That's WAY kewl in my book.
OK, I'm a nerd. I think it's cool.
On the domestic front, I have declared war on this damned feral cat that decided under my front porch makes a GREAT litterbox. He/She is going to decide otherwise VERY soon. This damned cat is going to feel the wrath of my Airsoft pistol or rifle, depending on how mean I'm feeling that day. I HATE that little bastard. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the downstairs neighbor is feeding it.
And for those of you who're thinking I'm a mean bastard, I say YOU walk out YOUR front door in the morning to the smell of fresh cat pee, and crap piles in YOUR yard. If this continues into the summer when it starts getting hot and humid, that smell will be unbearable. Imagine the smell of some rotting carcass that the thing could drag under there.
Hence the Airsoft pistol. I'm thinking a couple pellets whizzing by him might convince kitty to find other facilities. 6 blocks or so away works for me.
I think he may be onto my plan, however. The beast ran like hell earlier, after I returned from the grocery store. By the time I got back outside with my pistol, he'd disappeared.
With my luck, the little bastard'll see me coming and freakin' bite me in the ass or something.
THAT would definitely screw up my day.
The reply is from Acidman, of Gut Rumbles fame. Imagine my surprise at finding he'd actually read one of my posts, and made the time to respond. That's WAY kewl in my book.
OK, I'm a nerd. I think it's cool.
On the domestic front, I have declared war on this damned feral cat that decided under my front porch makes a GREAT litterbox. He/She is going to decide otherwise VERY soon. This damned cat is going to feel the wrath of my Airsoft pistol or rifle, depending on how mean I'm feeling that day. I HATE that little bastard. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the downstairs neighbor is feeding it.
And for those of you who're thinking I'm a mean bastard, I say YOU walk out YOUR front door in the morning to the smell of fresh cat pee, and crap piles in YOUR yard. If this continues into the summer when it starts getting hot and humid, that smell will be unbearable. Imagine the smell of some rotting carcass that the thing could drag under there.
Hence the Airsoft pistol. I'm thinking a couple pellets whizzing by him might convince kitty to find other facilities. 6 blocks or so away works for me.
I think he may be onto my plan, however. The beast ran like hell earlier, after I returned from the grocery store. By the time I got back outside with my pistol, he'd disappeared.
With my luck, the little bastard'll see me coming and freakin' bite me in the ass or something.
THAT would definitely screw up my day.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Fabbo Babe of the Week
I can't explain why, but Sherry Stringfield has always done it for me.

Maybe because she's got a nice tushie. Nice eyes too.
Hubba hubba.
This is a newer picture of Lindsay Lohan.

WTF? Someone get this chick a couple cheeseburgers, fer chrissakes!! Women are supposed to have some curvage to 'em. Like a wise old guy once said, "Who wants to snuggle up to a sack of deer horns?"
This is Lindsay looking MUCH better.

Yeah, I know. I'm a dirty old man in training. Deal with it.
Maybe because she's got a nice tushie. Nice eyes too.
Hubba hubba.
This is a newer picture of Lindsay Lohan.
WTF? Someone get this chick a couple cheeseburgers, fer chrissakes!! Women are supposed to have some curvage to 'em. Like a wise old guy once said, "Who wants to snuggle up to a sack of deer horns?"
This is Lindsay looking MUCH better.
Yeah, I know. I'm a dirty old man in training. Deal with it.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Partsguy Freakulently Asked Questions
For giggles, I thought I'd post a FAQ that'll hopefully answer your burning questions. Here goes.
1) So, just who IS this Partsguy, and why should we care what he thinks?
Good question. I'm the partsguy. You should care because, once I accomplish overthrowing the world governments, I'm going to have people like you tossed to the lions, or something.
2)Are you as witty in person as your writing suggests??
Even more so. I'm also charming and handsome, and a Capricorn.
3)Partsguy, you are SO awesome!! How may I contact you, and send naked pics of myself to you??
Thanks for noticing! I can be contacted either through posting a comment, because comments are emailed to me when they post, OR at Please note, only pics of naked women will be accepted. Pics of naked males will be forwarded to lesbians who REALLY despise the male gender. I'm sure one won't be too hard to find.
4)What does the Partsguy do in his spare time?
You mean besides curling up in the fetal position and weeping?
5)C'mon, smartass, really.
Well, it depends. If the weather cooperates, then I'm outside either playing with my r/c boats, Geocaching, or grilling steaks 'n brats. When the weather outside is frightful, I'm inside reading a book, working on my boats, surfing, or plotting world domination.
6)Your site brings the funny! Do you have a tipjar, so that I may reward you properly with large amounts of money?
Sorry, I don't blog for the money. I do it for the chicks and beer. I've toyed with putting a wishlist up, but I just don't know.
Well, I hope you found the FAQ useful and informative. I strive to bring a quality blog experience for my readers.
Any Questions, Comments, or Snide Remarks should be posted in the comments section. I do read every comment. If you're REALLY lucky, I might even answer your question in a new post.
Thank you, and goodnight.
1) So, just who IS this Partsguy, and why should we care what he thinks?
Good question. I'm the partsguy. You should care because, once I accomplish overthrowing the world governments, I'm going to have people like you tossed to the lions, or something.
2)Are you as witty in person as your writing suggests??
Even more so. I'm also charming and handsome, and a Capricorn.
3)Partsguy, you are SO awesome!! How may I contact you, and send naked pics of myself to you??
Thanks for noticing! I can be contacted either through posting a comment, because comments are emailed to me when they post, OR at Please note, only pics of naked women will be accepted. Pics of naked males will be forwarded to lesbians who REALLY despise the male gender. I'm sure one won't be too hard to find.
4)What does the Partsguy do in his spare time?
You mean besides curling up in the fetal position and weeping?
5)C'mon, smartass, really.
Well, it depends. If the weather cooperates, then I'm outside either playing with my r/c boats, Geocaching, or grilling steaks 'n brats. When the weather outside is frightful, I'm inside reading a book, working on my boats, surfing, or plotting world domination.
6)Your site brings the funny! Do you have a tipjar, so that I may reward you properly with large amounts of money?
Sorry, I don't blog for the money. I do it for the chicks and beer. I've toyed with putting a wishlist up, but I just don't know.
Well, I hope you found the FAQ useful and informative. I strive to bring a quality blog experience for my readers.
Any Questions, Comments, or Snide Remarks should be posted in the comments section. I do read every comment. If you're REALLY lucky, I might even answer your question in a new post.
Thank you, and goodnight.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
I want one of these.
I probably don't need it, but I want one.
Remington Model 5077, 870 Express Pump Shotgun, 12 Gauge, 18" MatteBlack Barrel, Matte Black Synthetic Stock, 7 Shot Capacity.
(pic removed due to HTML problems.)
Doesn't EVERYONE need an evil looking black boomstick?? I'm thinkin blasting a few targets (paper, of course) after a stressful week at work would be just the ticket to mellow a guy out.
Someday, I'm gonna have to pick one up. Maybe there'll be one at a gunshow this summer I can snap up reasonably cheap. My bro's buddy picked up a nice Mossberg at a gunshow last summer, maybe I'll get lucky too.
As soon as I get a decent day to haul my r/c boats outside, I'll get some pics of the fleet for your perusal. Just call me Commodore Partsguy!
BTW, I STILL haven't received any nominations for Fabbo Babe of the Week. Sup wit dat?
SOMEONE who reads this must have some ideas.
I hope to have the next FBW posted by Thursday, depending on outside influences( i.e. if it's nice outside, I'll be out playing somewhere. )
We'll soon see.
Remington Model 5077, 870 Express Pump Shotgun, 12 Gauge, 18" MatteBlack Barrel, Matte Black Synthetic Stock, 7 Shot Capacity.
(pic removed due to HTML problems.)
Doesn't EVERYONE need an evil looking black boomstick?? I'm thinkin blasting a few targets (paper, of course) after a stressful week at work would be just the ticket to mellow a guy out.
Someday, I'm gonna have to pick one up. Maybe there'll be one at a gunshow this summer I can snap up reasonably cheap. My bro's buddy picked up a nice Mossberg at a gunshow last summer, maybe I'll get lucky too.
As soon as I get a decent day to haul my r/c boats outside, I'll get some pics of the fleet for your perusal. Just call me Commodore Partsguy!
BTW, I STILL haven't received any nominations for Fabbo Babe of the Week. Sup wit dat?
SOMEONE who reads this must have some ideas.
I hope to have the next FBW posted by Thursday, depending on outside influences( i.e. if it's nice outside, I'll be out playing somewhere. )
We'll soon see.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Random schtuff.
Went to a wedding the other weekend. A friend decided to try her luck again. My first question was: "Are you INSANE???" I met a really cute bartender, so it wasn't all bad.
I'm getting really antsy for the weather to warm up. I've got a couple of r/c boats that need some water time, and it's been too friggin cold to go play. I slapped together a boat for my nephew's birthday earlier this week. Should be most excellent to see the look on his face when he opens it.
I managed to get some work done to a 1/16 scale hydroplane I've been working on here and there. Got the old crappy paint all sanded off, and now it's in primer ready to go. Paint color is undecided as of yet, it'll probably stay in primer until I get the mechanical stuff sorted out.
I'll try to write some funny stuff later this week. I've got to apologize for this blog entry, because it's putting ME to sleep.
I'm getting really antsy for the weather to warm up. I've got a couple of r/c boats that need some water time, and it's been too friggin cold to go play. I slapped together a boat for my nephew's birthday earlier this week. Should be most excellent to see the look on his face when he opens it.
I managed to get some work done to a 1/16 scale hydroplane I've been working on here and there. Got the old crappy paint all sanded off, and now it's in primer ready to go. Paint color is undecided as of yet, it'll probably stay in primer until I get the mechanical stuff sorted out.
I'll try to write some funny stuff later this week. I've got to apologize for this blog entry, because it's putting ME to sleep.
Monday, May 09, 2005
I'm back!!
So, anyways, I'm back now.
Some limpdicked asshole sent me a virus which the antivirus proggie I was using didn't catch.
My ISP got a nice little email from AT&T's network guys saying someone was attacking them from their network. It got traced to my machine. Whee.
I ended up having to have my machine totally redone. I lost over 800 mp3s, THOUSANDS of pics, and a lot of time getting the thing back to normal.
I'd like to meet the son of a bitch who released that virus into the wild. He'd find it difficult to type with stumps.
Some limpdicked asshole sent me a virus which the antivirus proggie I was using didn't catch.
My ISP got a nice little email from AT&T's network guys saying someone was attacking them from their network. It got traced to my machine. Whee.
I ended up having to have my machine totally redone. I lost over 800 mp3s, THOUSANDS of pics, and a lot of time getting the thing back to normal.
I'd like to meet the son of a bitch who released that virus into the wild. He'd find it difficult to type with stumps.
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