Sunday, February 18, 2007

Idea I shamelessly stole from another website.

Ok so while flipping through my usual assortment of websites I read fairly often, I got the idea for the PartsGuy's Sunday Night Music Clip. This will be a song I like for whatever particular reason, and I'll post a youtube linky to a clip for you to watch. Obviously, if you have dialup, you may wish to forego the clip, or not. Your choice.

With that, on to the inaugural SNMC. The band: Saxon. The song: Just Let Me Rock, from their album Crusader. The fact that these guys aren't more well known on this side of the pond is nothing short of criminal. That's what happens when your record company leaves you swingin' in the wind all by your lonesome.

Saxon: Just Let Me Rock

Ok, I'm feeling a wee bit generous, seeing as it's the first time I'm doing this. So, another band that was shamefully ignored by the music industry, Axe.

Several years ago, I happened t be surfing for more info on the band, to see if I could somehow find a copy of Nemesis, which is the album this song led off. I got a nice email back from the band's lead guitar/ singer explaining why the album wasn't yet available on CD. Apparently, they solved the problem because about 2 years ago, I found the CD available on ebay. Needless to say, I bought it immediately. Trust me on this, were you to go and find this CD for yourself, it would be time well spent. The music is excellent, a lot better than some of the crap that was polluting the airwaves(Duran Duran, call your office).

Axe: Heat In The Street

Someone edited the song to fit a cartoon, and did a wonderful job.

Comments are open. Give me a yea or nay, and I'll dig up other stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I lived in the 80's but knew what I knew now, I'd be rich. But it's not the 80's, which has passed by 20 years, even if many still think it is.