Friday, January 05, 2007


So, I went to the doc the other day, and hopped on the scale. It seems your humble PartsGuy managed to lose 12 pounds! I figured, what with Turkey Day and Xmas oinkfests, I'd only be down a couple, if any.

Happily, I was mistaken.

I've decided enough is enough as far as the jetski payments go, and I'm going to go ahead and pay it off. Then, I'm probably going to end up selling it, as I only managed to go out one time last year, and between the 'ski payments and insurance, I can probably come up with better uses for that 75 bucks a month.

Maybe as a car payment. I'm torn between getting a truck, which would be useful if I do manage to buy a house, or a nice Crown Vic/Grand Marquis. I don't know. What would Chuck Norris do?

Or maybe I'll just put the 75 a month towards other things.

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