Saturday, December 01, 2007

Lotsa thoughts.

So, yeah.

I finally got this thing to work with Firefox, which is the best 'net browser EVER. Hopefully it will help me become more Bloggerific or something.


Your humble scribe has been doing fairly well since last time I blogged. I managed to get hold of my anger problem with some professional help. It's good to not feel angry at the world. Hell, I rarely get road rage anymore, even!

I still have things that irritate me, but I laugh and move on. Without all that angry crap, I can turn my thoughts to other things, like chasing pretty ladies.

An example:

I spent some time the other day contemplating Porsches. Tough job. Some research on ebay and autotrader shows that I can almost afford an older 944 or 928. Sweet. The weird thing is, I hadn't given the marque much thought until this revelation. I've also discovered that I rather prefer the looks of the more vintage Porsches to those of the new ones. Don't get me wrong, I'd happily take a new 911, but I'd sell it and get myself a nice older one.

See, this car speaks to me on a level I can't explain. The new ones, while very nice, just don't do that. I suspect Steve McQueen would understand.

Happy days are here again at Stately PartsGuy Manor. I located a nice fiberglass topper for the PartsTruck, so I can ditch the tonneau cover on there now, and gain some lockable storage space. I also plan on doing a few things to it in order to use the truck for camping next summer. I plan on rigging one side to hold an awning, so I have a nice shady spot for taking a nap, reading, or just plain chillin'. Should be really awesome when I get it done. Plans are formulating in my head as I type.

Snow has blanketed the part of the country that your humble scribe calls home. With the snow come idiots. Folks, if you're in a snowstorm, and you own a white or gray vehicle, TURN YOUR DAMN LIGHTS ON SO WE CAN SEE YOU!! I mean, seriously, it could save you a LOT of grief down the road. Don't be a peckerhead.

My Xmas shopping is about halfway done. I called the PartsBros to find out what their various offspring wanted. One bro answered his celly. HIS kids get nice quiet presents, like Matchbox cars and the like. Other PartsBro didn't answer his celly. I left him a nice message, went something like this:

"Hi, this is the PartsGuy. I'm doing a wee bit of Xmas shopping right now, and I'm not sure what to get for your kid. So, unless I get some ideas, I'm just gonna find something noisy. MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

The guy stocking shelves thought it was hilarious.

Needless to say, his kid's getting a REALLY noisy toy. Being Uncle PartsGuy ROCKS!

Well, off I go. I promise to try and write stuff more often. Next time, I might even be funny!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

6 years later.

Yep. 6 years ago, our world was turned upside down by a bunch of Muslim fanatics. I hope they're rotting in Hell as we speak.

I'm going to wager most people will spend today working, playing with their kids, making sweet, sweet luuuuuuuuuuv to their significant others, basically, the stuff we do as Americans every day.


What better way to give the Al-Quieda assholes fits than to go ahead and do the things we're free to do? In my opinion, that's the best F**k you. So, if you need ideas, let me give you some.

Since Islam treats women like property, and makes them cover themselves, tell any lady you see how lovely she looks today. Then go buy a Playboy magazine and look at the pretty ladies.

Since Islam forbids the eating of pork... eat a bacon cheeseburger, or some pork get the idea.

There's a couple of ideas for you, I'm sure you can come up with others.

I'd really like to turn on the news tonight and see that Bin Laden has been captured, or killed. I'd prefer that he face the American judicial system, but if he were to catch a bullet with his head, I could live quite happily with that.

On the flip side, there's some people who deserve a swift kick in the ass today. I'll list them, and my reasons why.

First and foremost, GW Bush deserves a kick in the ass for spending more time on Iraq than chasing down Bin Laden. Yes, Hussein was evil incarnate, but a sniper's bullet to the head would have achieved the same results.

Second, every member of the liberal media deserves a kick in the ass, only because they have no balls. This spineless bunch of cowards doesn't bother to do their jobs properly, and people have DIED because of it. Yeah, Newsweek, that means YOU.

Third, assholes who sit and say "No Blood For Oil". You morons don't even know what you're talking about.

Forth, assholes who'd rather spend today in denial. Liberals, mostly. Make sure to flip one off if you get the chance.

There's more people that deserve a kick in the ass, if not the head, but I'm not going to list them. I've got better things to do today, such as doing my part to keep the wheels of commerce turning, and keep America running.

I suggest you do the same.

Also, I'd like to say something to Muslim moderates who won't condemn radical Muslims' actions.

You people are cowards. Were it up to me, you'd be deported TODAY. To keep silent while your fellow Muslims randomy kill innocent people to the tune of more than 9400 attacks since 9/11/01, and yet you remain strangely silent. Does this mean complicity? Nah.

Just means you're chickenshit cowards.

And with that, I'm off to have a bacon cheeseburger and look at some porn.

Monday, September 03, 2007

I'm back!!

So, anyways...

It's been quite a while since I've written anything. I've been around, just nothing to really rant about.

Until now. I've been sort of looking for a PartsLadyFriend, kinda sorta, and my luck has been less than stellar. This is fine, ya can't win em all. What gets me is seeing ladies walking around with their SO's, and they're dressed nicely, hair done up, all that, and the SO is walking around unshaven, wearing some dumbassed hat cocked sideways(which is another rant in itself) and a basketball jersey and shorts. Apparently I'm not the only one who's disgusted by this, as Kim Du Toit has written about this, and some other stuff related to the subject here for your enjoyment.

I have a niece who won't be dating for a while yet( i.e. not until she's 40 if Uncle PartsGuy has anything to say about it.) but hopefully the pendulum will swing back and she won't be stuck with basketball boy. Did I mention that I'm planning on meeting anyone she dates, while cleaning my guns? Might haveta buy a special shotgun just for the occasion. And if her date shows up dressed as basketball boy, he'll be told to go home and dress properly, or face my wrath.

More later. naptime beckons.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

An apology, of sorts.

Apologies for so long between posts. Not having a lot to write about other than work, I just haven't bothered.

I'm going camping next weekend, which should be all kinds of good times. Nothing rejuvenates the soul like sleeping in the woods, and eating food cooked over open flames. I plan to take a few books along and catch up on some reading. Might even take an r/c boat along to play with. For sure the camera's coming along.

Which brings me to a lil complaint.

Your humble correspondent likes, from time to time, to look at pics of pretty ladies who seem to have misplaced their clothing. A minor complaint, to be sure, but still a viable one.

Gentlemen, when taking pictures of said lovely lady for everyone's approval, do us a favor and LEAVE YOURSELVES OUT OF THE PICTURES! We're not interested in seeing your hairy legs, or your face in the pics. Also, try practicing taking pics with the camera beforehand. Try different lighting effects, poses, etc. Consider this a bit of helpful advice from Uncle PartsGuy.

Oh, and BTW, Barry Bonds is a punk bitch.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A wee bit of a rant.

I was standing in line at the store not too long ago, and my eye wandered over to the impulse rack. My eyes fell on a TV Guide with the blurb ' Giada De Laurentiis: Is the sexy chef too hot for TV?"

Naturally, I had to pick it up and find out WTF.

It seems that in the 'Cheers & Jeers' section, a Deborah Deel of Christiansburg, Virginia had this to say about Giada:

"Jeers to Giada De Laurentiis and the low-cut tops she wears on the Food Network. She must be sooooooooooo proud of her breasts. Who is she trying to turn on - the cameraman? It really is kind of sad and pathetic. I’ll give her a medal if she wears a top that doesn’t show her over-exposed breasts!"

Hmmm. What's that I smell? Could it be the green monster known as jealousy??

Now, it seems that Giada either hasn't responded yet, or has chosen not to respond to Ms. Deel's commentary. I, myself, am betting that the latter is the correct answer, as Ms. DeLaurentiis appears to be too much of a lady to respond to this hag.

However, I am willing to step in for Ms. DeLaurentiis and respond to Ms. Deel's comments for her. My response begins below. May not be safe for work, or people with tender sensibilities.

Dear Ms. Deel:

On behalf of most, if not all of the American male and some female population, I most humbly request that you shut your stupid trap.

We happen to enjoy how Giada dresses. She is a beautiful lady who happens to NOT be ashamed of how she looks. I question your motive in writing your 4 sentences of condemnation.

Now, I've always been one to give people the benefit of the doubt here, but I'm willing to bet that your jealousy stems from the fact that you, on a GOOD day, could be mistaken for the south end of a northbound mandril with a 3 day case of Montezuma's Revenge. On a bad day? Well, let's just say that powerchugging a quart of elephant vomit mixed with chunks of ambergris would probably be preferable.

As for Giada's cleavage, well, one can draw several inferences as to the reasons behind your distaste. I have some theories, and I'm willing to share a few.

One could infer that the cheap shot you took was due to the fact that your cleavage, by comparison, could make Casanova think about switching teams. One could also infer that perhaps your husband or boyfriend would trade you for Giada in less time than it takes to sneeze.

And maybe, just maybe, Ms Delaurentiis takes a wee bit better care of herself than you do? Judging by her appearance, I'm willing to bet that she's never sat on her couch plowing through a box of bon-bons while bitching on the phone for 3 hours about how her sweetie pie would rather spend more time with the boys at the tavern, than sit with you and be repulsed by the slurping sounds of you polishing off a quart of Ben & Jerry's.

And what exactly is wrong with dressing to impress the opposite sex? It's a time honored tradition, one that should NOT fall by the wayside. Just because your idea of dressing formally is a muu-muu WITHOUT spaghetti stains on it does not mean that people can't hold themselves to a higher ideal. I guarantee you, when your humble PartsGuy dresses up for a special occasion, the best description to use is 'Dressed To Kill'.

Speaking for myself, I appreciate it when someone takes the time to make herself look her best. To me, it means she thinks I'm worth the time it takes. Think about that while you're flipping through the latest Cosmo and bitching about how nobody makes anything good in your size. Learn to make your own stuff and look smashing.

Ms Deel, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with dressing sexy, and the fact that there are still many apostles of the late and not lamented one fucking bit Andrea Dworkin who think that they actually MATTER to the rest of us is a shame that we will have to bear, until a brave few stand up and slay the twin dragons of Political Correctness and Beauty Envy.

So, Ms Deel, as I said before, stuff a sock in it, or in your case, a box of doughnuts.


The PartsGuy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

On owning a pickup truck

Ok, so a lil bit ago, i threatened said I'd write about some of the obervations I've made since getting my truck.

I am nothing, if not a man of my word, so here we go. If you are nothing but a braindead PC moron, don't have much of a sense of humor, you might wish to visit elsewhere.


To me, the pickup truck is one of the greatest inventions in the world, ranking right up there with electric guitars, latex condoms, and the In-N-Out Burger.

Seeing as most automakers have seemed to have given up on RWD cars, it seems to me only natural that pickups have come into favor, especially with hormone-addled teenage males.

Let's face it, folks- when you see some lil FWD econobox attempting to light up the front wheels, it just doesn't seem right. Especially when you hear the e-box's tiny lil engine howling like a banshee. It just ain't right. Makes for enormous bouts of laughter when they blow up, though.


Let some guy in his truck start hazin' the hides, motor rumbling like a freight train and there's not a real man anywhere who isn't secretly thinking, oh, HELL yeah!!", unless he's one of those queers foo-foo metrosexuals who's more worried he might miss his appointment at the nail salon.

Yeah, the thought makes me ill, too.

Granted, VW and Chrysler did try FWD pickups, but hey, when's the last time you saw a Dodge Rampage around town? Uh huh. And I see Honda's getting into the game with their Brokeback, errr, Ridgeback. Newsflash- unibody pickups didn't work in the 60s for Ford, why Honda thinks it will now is beyond me.

Now, having played around for a bit, I've noticed a few things. For example, I've suddenly developed a taste for Marlboro Reds and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

Just kidding.

See, some people would have no problem with that stereotype. I myself have perpetuated it slightly by yelling "hey baby" at an attractive female. My inner redneck approved.

Nowadays, you see some men of the foo-foo metrosexual persuasion driving pickups. Their pickups are usually 'champagne' in color, and have leather upholstery.


This week, I decided to replace the tires on my truck. Did I go ahead and get the same size tires, or did I go for bigger?

Remember this phrase: Bigger, Better, Faster, More.

They look damn good on there, too.

And having a truck guarantees you all sorts of new friends, especially when there's something to be moved, or they're buried in snow. Unless, of course, you decided to 'ghettofy' your truck and put stupid ass 26" wheels on it. Yeah, that works REAL well. (Not) Looks frickin' retarded, too.

Trucks are also good for camping, especially if you have a topper/ bed cap / whatever, mainly because there's no tent to set up. Toss a sleeping bag in the back, and you're good to go!

Cars aren't as well suited, mainly because packing the camping gear into the trunk of a Chevy Cavalier isn't a fun task by any means. (Don't ask how I know) Truck? you toss everything into the bed, head to the campground, and get your camp on! Vans work well for camping too, but that's a story for another time.

So in summary, Pickups= GOOD. Foo-Foo Metrosexuals= BAD.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So, anyway...

Rosie 'Fat Ugly Stupid Dyke' O'Donnell has FINALLY left TV.

Thank Christ.

ABC and Baba Wawa should be ASHAMED of the fact they gave that stupid bitch airtime.

I hope that sow chokes on a sandwich. If that happens, that day should be made a national holiday. Call it 'Freedom From Rosie The Whale Day'

God, I hate that woman sow.

Anyway, on to better things.

I FINALLY got a chance to take out the rifle I got for Xmas and do some shooting. Talk about FUN!! Brass flyin' everywhere, targets getting destroyed, lotsa noise being made...what a beautiful thing.

The only thing that could have made it better was using my truck to go bashing through the field to where we were shooting. Let's face it; Trucks and firearms are probably two of man's greatest inventions. Hmmm...I'm seeing a calendar idea... Trucks, and babes in bikinis holding guns!

I'm seeing a bestseller here, myself!

Speaking of guns, you may have noticed the little ad thingy for They're raising money to send our troops Boresnakes. A Boresnake has a brass end you drop through the action of your gun out the barrel, and then as you pull the Boresnake through, different sections of the 'snake clean the barrel out ever so nicely.

I have one of these for my gun, and I absolutely LOVE it. It makes post target practice cleaning a snap! This product gets the PartsGuy's 'Double Thumbs Up, With Loud Belch' endorsement.
Truly a genius product, and if you own firearms, you owe it to yourself, AND your guns, to get one.

As most of you know, your humble PartsGuy got himself a pickup truck some time back. After having lived with it for a while, I have noticed some things. I'll comment on these in a future post , as I'm still formulating the piece in my head.

As always, may the Bluebird of Happiness crap on your car.

Monday, April 23, 2007

An open letter to white kids who dress like gangstas.

Dear Gangsta Wannabe:

Did you see me standing by my truck polishing the chrome when you drove through my alley?

I'm guessing you DIDN'T, or you might have had some decency to NOT hammer the gas, slide sideways, and damned near hit my neighbor's car, and spray rocks all over the frickin place. But then again, you might not, because you, and the rest of your gangsta wannabe buttbuddies are nothing more than dog shit on the shoe of humanity. I'm tired of you stupid assholes and your fucking BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM cars going down my street at 1 am.

Do you NOT realize how fucking stupid you look? You spend enormous amounts of the money that your parents give you to just go away trying to look like some dipshit whose main talents seem to be smoking dope and sticking his dick in any dumbass gangsta sperm dumpster who'll lie down long enough. Hell, some of those pigs don't even bother, and just go ahead and take a piece of ass. Wow. THERE'S a man I'd want MY nephew to be like.

You think assholes like Puff Daddy, or whatever that worthless fuck calls himself this month are worth emulating? You wanna be like fucking Tupac? Yeah, he was cool.

Right up until someone decided to use the car he was riding in for target practice. Yeah, I wanna bleed out in the front seat of a car on some street. That sounds cool!

Give me a freakin' break. You think some asshole who can't even speak english clearly is someone to be admired. Your values, such as they are, are completely, utterly, and totally fucked.

Now, don't take this to mean I think you're ALL bad. I have to say, I DO find it rather amusing when I find a video on Youtube of some gangsta tough guy who picks on the wrong person and gets his ass kicked all over the place. THAT is quality entertainment right there. AND, it NEVER gets old!! I could spend HOURS of time watching that shit.

So, in closing, I have but one thing to say;


Oh, and the 20" rim thing on whatever you drive= retarded.
Calling your car a 'whip'= also retarded.

Do the world a favor and eat a shotgun.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Shit that makes me crabby.

OK, so I REALLY need to vent some anger 'n stuff. I plan on a few naughty words, so you may want to take that under advisement, and not read much further, cuz I'm not gonna be talking about cute furry puppies.

So, I ran to another store today to grab a few things. I'm on my way back, sitting at a stoplight, and listening to some quiet tuneage. It's a fairly decent afternoon, so I've got my window down. The chick next to me is playing some rap bullshit, but not very loud, so I didn't think much of it.

Apparently, the mouthbreathing highschool punk behind me in an Eagle Talon decided to attempt to wow said female with the system in his car, sort of like a male peacock during mating season, except MUCH louder, and with less plumage. All of a sudden, all I could hear was BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM. This I found most displeasing. I also wished that I was in the PartsGuy Truck, instead of a work vehicle. Then, I would have been very tempted to put it in reverse, and stand on the gas. I think an airbag in his face would have been just punishment. That, or a baseball bat to the head.

Maybe we can get lucky and this kid will do something really stupid, and wrap himself around a tree and take himself out of the gene pool.

Apparently, parents don't teach their kids to consider other people. Sheesh.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

S.N.M.C. and some other stuff.

Yeah, I know, I forgot the SNMC last week. Sorry. This one's from a band called Stuck Mojo. I try not to post political stuff, but with all that's going on in the world, it becomes more and more difficult not to.

Open Season

Sadly, the Dumb-o-crats don't seem to understand that GW has committed us to help Iraq rebuild. As Rome was not built in a day, neither will Iraq. If we pull out now, the terrorists will wrest control away, and we'll be in even more of a pickle than we are now. Sometimes I wonder if the Dems WANT us to lose.

Bottom line: We must not fail in Iraq, despite the Left's demand that we do so.

OK, enough political bullshit.

Here's something else that REALLY tweaks my giblets, courtesy of

Mass. girl's overdose raises questions
By Denise Lavoie, Associated Press

"HULL, Mass. — In the final months of Rebecca Riley's life, a school nurse said the little girl was so weak she was like a "floppy doll." The preschool principal had to help Rebecca off the bus because the 4-year-old was shaking so badly. And a pharmacist complained that Rebecca's mother kept coming up with excuses for why her daughter needed more and more medication. None of their concerns was enough to save Rebecca."


"Rebecca — who had been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity and bipolar disorder, or what used to be called manic depression — died Dec. 13 of an overdose of prescribed drugs, and her parents have been arrested on murder charges, accused of intentionally overmedicating their daughter to keep her quiet and out of their hair."

What I'd like to know is, how in the HELL do you diagnose a 4 year old as bipolar? It seems your PartsGuy isn't the only one, as we continue;

"But the tragic case is more than a story about one child. It raises troubling, larger questions about the state of child psychiatry, namely: Can children as young as Rebecca be accurately diagnosed with mental illnesses? Are rambunctious youngsters being medicated for their parents' convenience? And should children so young be prescribed powerful psychotropic drugs meant for adults?"

I'll answer these questions for you, in order. 1)NO. 2)YES, absolutely. 3)NO.

I'm not going to make like Dr Spock, or whoever, but having been a child once myself, I can say one thing for certain: Kids, especially boys, are going to be kids, which entails noise, broken stuff, running around the house, wiping boogers on their sisters, etc. If you can't handle that fact, THEN YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS REPRODUCING!

Again, from the article:

"Rebecca's uncle, James McGonnell, and his girlfriend, Kelly Williams, who lived with the Rileys, told police that the Rileys would put their kids to bed as early as 5 p.m. Rebecca, they said, often slept through the day and got up only to eat.

When Michael Riley decided the kids were "acting up," he told Carolyn to give them pills, McGonnell and Williams told police."

"Later that night, McGonnell told police, he heard someone struggling to breathe and found Rebecca gurgling as if something was stuck in her throat. McGonnell told police he wiped vomit from his niece's face, then kicked in the door to her parents' room and yelled at the Rileys to take Rebecca to the emergency room.

Instead, Carolyn Riley said, she gave her daughter a half-tablet of Clonidine."


Have you ever watched decent people who would like nothing more than to have oodles of kids go through not being able to have kids? I'm here to tell you, it just plain fucking sucks. Meanwhile, half-witted, unemployed, welfare sucking, low end of the genetic totem pole drop kids left and right, and treat them as annoying assholes who bother them while they're trying to watch Oprah.

Her parents deserve .45 caliber justice. Fucking white trash.

RIP, Rebecca.

May you finally be at peace.

Monday, March 12, 2007


So, yeah, I didn't post the Sunday Night Music Clip. Other things occurred which tied up my day, plus I just plain forgot.

So, here's another clip from Saxon. This one's their interpretation of a Christopher Cross song, 'Ride Like The Wind'. Interesting song for them to cover, and I like it.

Ride Like The Wind

I have also decided that I'm not going to put step bars on my truck, as we managed to break a body mount bolt trying to install them. So, screw it. I returned the step bars, and I'll use the money for other stuff. Fixing the bolt would involve drilling a hole in a perfectly solid cab, and I can't quite bring myself to do it. I'm gonna call a body shop tomorrow and see what they think.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Snow, and Sunday Night Music Clip

So anyway, Mother Nature decided we didn't have enough snow on the ground and threw a couple feet of the stuff our way. I am so sick of shoveling it ain't funny. The city finally plowed out my alley, so I can park my truck in the back again! Yay!

Anyways, found a good clip this week, from the TV show Moonlighting, where they did a version of 'Taming Of The Shrew'. A cool cover of " Good Lovin' ". Enjoy.

Good Lovin'

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Sunday Night Music clip.

Yeah, yeah, I know. It's actually Saturday night as I'm posting this. Whatever.

For this week's clip, I chose a tune by Larry Carlton. The tune is called 'Room 335'. Larry earned the nickname 'Mr. 335' years ago, as one of his favored instruments is the Gibson 335. Great guitar, great player, great tune. I listened to several versions of the tune, and the version I picked, I picked because I liked the energy and tone. The guitar he's playing in this clip appears to be a Fender Telecaster, though. Go figure.

Room 335

As a side note, if you own Christopher Cross' 1st CD, you'll hear Larry playing on a couple of those tunes as well. Good stuff.

On another happy note, the search for a new PartsGuyMobile has ended for now. I'm now the proud papa of a '90 Chevy K1500 pickup. Got it for a song.

Ain't she a beauty? I could do without the clearance lights, but that's a minor quibble. It's snowing something fierce here this weekend, so I'mma play in the snow!!! W00T!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Idea I shamelessly stole from another website.

Ok so while flipping through my usual assortment of websites I read fairly often, I got the idea for the PartsGuy's Sunday Night Music Clip. This will be a song I like for whatever particular reason, and I'll post a youtube linky to a clip for you to watch. Obviously, if you have dialup, you may wish to forego the clip, or not. Your choice.

With that, on to the inaugural SNMC. The band: Saxon. The song: Just Let Me Rock, from their album Crusader. The fact that these guys aren't more well known on this side of the pond is nothing short of criminal. That's what happens when your record company leaves you swingin' in the wind all by your lonesome.

Saxon: Just Let Me Rock

Ok, I'm feeling a wee bit generous, seeing as it's the first time I'm doing this. So, another band that was shamefully ignored by the music industry, Axe.

Several years ago, I happened t be surfing for more info on the band, to see if I could somehow find a copy of Nemesis, which is the album this song led off. I got a nice email back from the band's lead guitar/ singer explaining why the album wasn't yet available on CD. Apparently, they solved the problem because about 2 years ago, I found the CD available on ebay. Needless to say, I bought it immediately. Trust me on this, were you to go and find this CD for yourself, it would be time well spent. The music is excellent, a lot better than some of the crap that was polluting the airwaves(Duran Duran, call your office).

Axe: Heat In The Street

Someone edited the song to fit a cartoon, and did a wonderful job.

Comments are open. Give me a yea or nay, and I'll dig up other stuff.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Fabbo Babe of the Week/ CD Review

So, I got bored, and you get a new FBW:

The lovely and talented Helen Hunt. There's just something about the way she carries herself that works for me. I especially enjoyed her in 'What Women Want'.

Today, UN and I decided that, even though the weather outside is frightful, that a trip away from Stately PartsGuy Manor was in order, and made a trip to the Electric Fetus. What luck! a 20% off sale!!

Your humble correspondent LOVES 20% off sales. So, I scooped up two CDs instead of the usual one.

The first one is playing on my computer as we speak. It's a blues CD by Renee Austin,called 'Sweet Talk'.

If you enjoy blues and roots music, you need this CD. Ms. Austin jumps from genre to genre, and does so effortlessly. Included on this disc is a duet with Delbert McClinton called 'Pretend We Never Met' which alone is worth the price of admission.

You're probably going to have to hunt for this disc, so I'll try and make it easier.

That should get you on your way.

Sadly, one of Renee's vocal cords was damaged during surgery to remove a lump from her thyroid gland, cutting her career short. We are lucky to have these CDs to document her talent. Hopefully a miracle will occur and she can return to what she does VERY well.

The second CD I picked up is by Bad Religion, which I consider to be one of the best punk bands EVER.

This one's called 'Tested', and it's a live CD that I'd never seen or heard of. As far as live CDs go, most of them suck. This one is a happy exception. All of the best BR tunes are on here, definitely one to pick up. Amazon will probably have this one. If you don't like punk, then don't get it.

Thus concludes this post.

As always, may the bluebird of happiness crap on your car.

Friday, February 09, 2007


I got to thinking today about telephone manners.

For instance, I called another shop and asked for L. Someone else answered, and when I asked for him, she said 'may I ask who's calling?'

My reply? "Nope"

Maybe I'm way off base on this, but it seems to be a bit nosy. The call obviously ISN'T for you, so it's none of your business. Had I felt she needed to know who it was, I would have said " This is The PartsGuy, lemme talk to L"

Wait! I've got an idea!! The next time someone asks me that question, I'll say, "Certainly. I'm Nunya. as in NUNYA F'IN BUSINESS!!!" Wouldn't that be awesome?

Or maybe I need to increase my dosage. I dunno.

I've discovered a new way to amuse myself. All you need to do is station yourself close to the condom display at your favorite store, and wait for some lady to stop and inspect the brands. Then, ever so quietly, sneak up behind her and say "I'm a Magnums man myself!" and wait for the hilarity!

The boss was out of town most of the week for a manager's conference. It sure was fun watching the assistant mgr get all frazzled. Heavy is the yoke of power.

I've got other things going on, but they haven't developed enough that I feel comfy talking about them just yet.

Monday, January 15, 2007

In which I rant about something.

Ok, so your humble PartsGuy was at a friend's house doing laundry last Sunday. The TV was on, and while I don't watch very much TV at home, when I'm elsewhere, I'll watch if it's on.

This time, I watched a couple episodes of Growing Up Gotti.

I'm going to suggest that if you've never seen this show, keep it that way. You're missing NOTHING. Just a bunch of spoiled asshole kids and their VERY ineffective mother. I was damned near physically ill.

One segment made me laugh. In a voiceover, Victoria comments about her boys and makes a statement about upholding family honor.

Yeah, right. Your father was a fucking murderer, drug dealer, and all around thug. I bet he'd be REAL impressed with your parenting skills, too.

I will suggest one thing. If you think these people are worth emulating, then you should probably go out and buy a .45. Then load it, stick it in your mouth and pull the trigger. Either that, or move to the East Coast to be closer to your heroes.

Anyway, I've determined that the worthless assholes Gotti offspring are all deserving of a good old fashioned pistol-whipping. Either that or a baseball bat to the skull.

THAT would be quality television, let me tell you. Better yet, how about "Gottis Go To Boot Camp"?

I'd watch just to laugh at them suffering without any hair gel. Worthless trash.

Friday, January 05, 2007


So, I went to the doc the other day, and hopped on the scale. It seems your humble PartsGuy managed to lose 12 pounds! I figured, what with Turkey Day and Xmas oinkfests, I'd only be down a couple, if any.

Happily, I was mistaken.

I've decided enough is enough as far as the jetski payments go, and I'm going to go ahead and pay it off. Then, I'm probably going to end up selling it, as I only managed to go out one time last year, and between the 'ski payments and insurance, I can probably come up with better uses for that 75 bucks a month.

Maybe as a car payment. I'm torn between getting a truck, which would be useful if I do manage to buy a house, or a nice Crown Vic/Grand Marquis. I don't know. What would Chuck Norris do?

Or maybe I'll just put the 75 a month towards other things.