Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So, anyway...

Rosie 'Fat Ugly Stupid Dyke' O'Donnell has FINALLY left TV.

Thank Christ.

ABC and Baba Wawa should be ASHAMED of the fact they gave that stupid bitch airtime.

I hope that sow chokes on a sandwich. If that happens, that day should be made a national holiday. Call it 'Freedom From Rosie The Whale Day'

God, I hate that woman sow.

Anyway, on to better things.

I FINALLY got a chance to take out the rifle I got for Xmas and do some shooting. Talk about FUN!! Brass flyin' everywhere, targets getting destroyed, lotsa noise being made...what a beautiful thing.

The only thing that could have made it better was using my truck to go bashing through the field to where we were shooting. Let's face it; Trucks and firearms are probably two of man's greatest inventions. Hmmm...I'm seeing a calendar idea... Trucks, and babes in bikinis holding guns!

I'm seeing a bestseller here, myself!

Speaking of guns, you may have noticed the little ad thingy for Boresnake.org. They're raising money to send our troops Boresnakes. A Boresnake has a brass end you drop through the action of your gun out the barrel, and then as you pull the Boresnake through, different sections of the 'snake clean the barrel out ever so nicely.

I have one of these for my gun, and I absolutely LOVE it. It makes post target practice cleaning a snap! This product gets the PartsGuy's 'Double Thumbs Up, With Loud Belch' endorsement.
Truly a genius product, and if you own firearms, you owe it to yourself, AND your guns, to get one.

As most of you know, your humble PartsGuy got himself a pickup truck some time back. After having lived with it for a while, I have noticed some things. I'll comment on these in a future post , as I'm still formulating the piece in my head.

As always, may the Bluebird of Happiness crap on your car.


Anonymous said...

I've found the best thing you can do is to properly break in a barrel (shoot once, clean, shoot once, clean, repeat for 20 shots, then shoot groups of 3 and clean, watching the accuracy). Cleaning should be done with a long composite rod, so nothing scratches the barrel, and push (or pull, depending on the gun) a wet patch, then 2 dry. Never use a bore brush! Never damage the crown (opening at the end of the barrel)! The patches should only travel from the breech forward, never backward. I like Sweets cleaning compound because it removes all the fouling.

After the barrel is broken in, use 'Ms Moly', a molybdenum spray coating (that actually works). Burnish the barrel, and you'll have the shiniest, easiest to clean barrel ever, especially with molybdenum coated bullets. Coat and burnish a new barrel three times, and it's a work of art.

Cleaning is then reduced to pushing a dry patch. That's it. Muzzle velocity and accuracy both go up. Recoating depends on the gun and bullets, and shooter. I'd suggest recoating (just one time, not three) any time the gun will be stored for a long period, in order to make sure no rust forms on the inside of the barrel, and use Sheath to coat the outside of the barrel if it's blued. If cleaning starts to require more than a dry patch, you've waited too long to recoat. Clean with Sweets and coat the barrel 3 times. Remember how many shots you put through it and recoat at half that number.

In the end, a little prep work is a lot less work than trying to remove the fouling, copper, chemicals, and trying to keep the barrel from rusting.

Anonymous said...

Brushes are made of softer metal than the steel in a gun barrel and cannot damage anything. The above comment is anal hype. Just look at the armorers posting emails at that bore snake website to see what the world's busiest professionals say about 'em. After all, their lives and the lives of their buddies depend on what they do and you can take that to the bank.