Monday, April 23, 2007

An open letter to white kids who dress like gangstas.

Dear Gangsta Wannabe:

Did you see me standing by my truck polishing the chrome when you drove through my alley?

I'm guessing you DIDN'T, or you might have had some decency to NOT hammer the gas, slide sideways, and damned near hit my neighbor's car, and spray rocks all over the frickin place. But then again, you might not, because you, and the rest of your gangsta wannabe buttbuddies are nothing more than dog shit on the shoe of humanity. I'm tired of you stupid assholes and your fucking BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM cars going down my street at 1 am.

Do you NOT realize how fucking stupid you look? You spend enormous amounts of the money that your parents give you to just go away trying to look like some dipshit whose main talents seem to be smoking dope and sticking his dick in any dumbass gangsta sperm dumpster who'll lie down long enough. Hell, some of those pigs don't even bother, and just go ahead and take a piece of ass. Wow. THERE'S a man I'd want MY nephew to be like.

You think assholes like Puff Daddy, or whatever that worthless fuck calls himself this month are worth emulating? You wanna be like fucking Tupac? Yeah, he was cool.

Right up until someone decided to use the car he was riding in for target practice. Yeah, I wanna bleed out in the front seat of a car on some street. That sounds cool!

Give me a freakin' break. You think some asshole who can't even speak english clearly is someone to be admired. Your values, such as they are, are completely, utterly, and totally fucked.

Now, don't take this to mean I think you're ALL bad. I have to say, I DO find it rather amusing when I find a video on Youtube of some gangsta tough guy who picks on the wrong person and gets his ass kicked all over the place. THAT is quality entertainment right there. AND, it NEVER gets old!! I could spend HOURS of time watching that shit.

So, in closing, I have but one thing to say;


Oh, and the 20" rim thing on whatever you drive= retarded.
Calling your car a 'whip'= also retarded.

Do the world a favor and eat a shotgun.


Anonymous said...

do you really think tjey read anything on the internet. Or better yet...think they even have the internet, well prices are falling though....Agree with your point

Anonymous said...

Well said. Tell you what--cut out welfare and they'll have to get jobs like the rest of us, a decent life, and they'll want respect for being a decent person who's able to do a decent job.