Monday, September 25, 2006

Neato discovery.

So, today I went to a big 'n tall men's store with my buddy's GF, cause she wanted to get him some boxers.

Turns out that your humble PartsGuy, who's a rather portly individual, can also find clothes that FIT!!!!

This is an awesome discovery, ranking right up with when I figured out what the song 'Afternoon Delight' was actually about!!

Another exciting development: I found the lil notebook I carry around to scribble down blog post ideas!! You know what this means??

Yeah. Probably not a whole freakin' lot.

Anyways, I got a note asking when I was gonna do another blog post, so here it is. I could tell you about my last visit to the doctor, but seeing as I didn't get a finger stuck up my butt, I figured I couldn't write anything funny about it.

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