Saturday, February 02, 2008

What's shakin' in my world.


A whole shit ton of stuff has been going on in the land of the PartsGuy. If you haven't been keeping track, well, I can't say as I blame you.

Couple of weeks back, my jackass boss conned me into volunteering for a store move. Hard work, but not bad, other than having to deal with the evil dyke ex-boss. Happily, she's now left the company. Where did she go? Couldn't care less.

So, there's now a space needing filled on the setup crew. I'm sorely tempted. I could save a bit of cash, cause I'd be gone a couple weeks a month. The company is growing, so there's no shortage of work. It'd make doctor/dentist appointments sorta difficult, though. I'll have to dig further into this.

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