Saturday, July 30, 2005

Car wash tales.

Ok, so I got a bug in my ear to get the old Partsguymobile cleaned up and waxed so I can eventually get around to selling it.

I took the car to a wash stall. Usually on a sunny day, the LAST thing you wanna do is wash your car. I got there and the place was quiet, so I washed it up and started drying it off in the booth to keep the sun off it.

For some bizarre reason, some sphincter in a Corvette pulls up as I'm about 1/2 way through drying the car. This wouldn't bother me, but for the fact that there's TWO OTHER OPEN STALLS!!! But this guy just HAS to use the one I'm in. Fine.

So, I get my car washin stuff situated and move the car out to a vacuum stall that's been absolutely unused the whole time I washed the car. You guessed it, almost finished and a freakin taxi pulls up. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I get the car dried off and head to Stately Partsguy Manor. I use the Meguiar's* 3 step Deep Crystal* system to get the best shine possible. I have an orbital buffer I use to make it go quicker and keep my rotator cuff from imploding. I took the buffer out, and the wheel falls off the thing. Great.

I wound up doing it by hand. I'm thinking tomorrow my shoulder will be telling me that wasn't a good idea.

On the plus side, the car looks great now.

I also managed to get some free time to go to a wooden boat show. That was very cool, except for the fact that some freakin' old lady managed to get her enormous keester in about 20 different camera shots, luckily I noticed before I hit the button. I'm glad I have a digital camera, or that broad would have gotten her ass tossed off the dock. I'm not much of one for sailboats, but there was one entered in the show, so I stopped and looked at it. Next thing you know, I'm being invited aboard to check it out. I'm glad I did. Very nice boat indeed. It was from the late '30s, and was in unrestored condition. NIIIIIIIICE. There were also a few Chris-Crafts there, so I got lotsa pics of them. If I find a decent free photo hosting site, I'll toss some pics up.

Tomorrow I plan to finish cleanin up the old PartsguyMobile and toss a For Sale sign in the window. Maybe I'll get lucky and get somewhat close to what I'm askin for it!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Weekend schtuff.

There's a fly in my room, buzzin around and generally making me nuts. I'm going to kill that bastard if I have to trash the whole apt!!


I declared war on the fly, and used some chemical warfare on his ass. Buhbye fly.


So, the weekend has been semi-productive. I managed to get a list of things I need to fix on the Partsguymobile so I can sell off the little beast and get me a nice pickup. Today I shampooed the floor mats, tomorrow I'll take a stab at the carpet, and a few other things. I also managed to get my laundry done. Woo-freakin-hoo.

*Boat Stuff*

I picked up some glue at Menards, called 'Gorilla Glue'. I used it to glue the rudders together on the Chris-Craft I'm restoring. The stuff seems strong, we'll see how well it works when the boat hits the sand. Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll drill and tap the gizmos I found to make the servo arms removable from the rudder shafts. That'll make cleaning and oiling the rudder shafts a lot easier. I hope to have this thing tub tested by the first week of August, with pond trials soon afterward.

I also might have sold a camcorder I never use, which should make me enough scratch to finish off at least one of the other boats in the fleet. Woohoo!!

I'm VERY proud of myself, I managed to surf Ebay and not bid on ANYTHING. Go me!!

I'm not surfin it tonight, though. Don't wanna push my luck.

Sometime this week, I may post a rant. Or, I may not. You'll just have to wait 'n see.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Can't think of a clever title.

Ok, so I found another car to add to my Lottery List.

It's the Cadillac Catera. GREAT car.

My buddy's brother owns one of these, and after the fights on HBO last night, they decided to go out for a while.

BTW, the Hopkins/Taylor fight was f**king boring. It reminded me of the Bonecrusher Smith/Tyson fight a few years back. Hopkins GAVE Taylor the title.

Anyhow, they decided to go out. I went along too, just for giggles. So, I got tossed the keys, and me being me, I agreed in about 1.7 seconds.

VERY nice car. I didn't care much for the leather interior, but for such a great car, I could deal with it. It's rear wheel drive too. Me likey.

In r/c boat news, the rudders I first made for the Chris-Craft would have worked ok, but the way I mounted them would have resulted in the rudders falling off the first time they hit anything fairly solid. So, back to the drawing board. I do have a solution in mind, though. It's going to involve using the mini-torch I have, which is ok, as I've been looking for an excuse to try it out.

Just for giggles, I checked the servos that came with the boat by plugging them into a known working receiver. They worked, so they're staying in for the time being. The foredeck has been reattached. I cleaned the top of the cabin, but the cleaner I used stripped all the chrome plating off the rails, dammit.

That's all I have for now. It's a nice day outside, and I'm not gonna waste it sitting inside.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Fabbo Babe of the Week.

I know I've been posting a lot of movie/tv star FBWs, but only because genuine real FBWs haven't been sending their pics to Subject: Fabbo Babe of the Week.

Until now.

I will only name her as 'M'.

While this is a webcam pic, trust me, she's very much FBW material.

SEE??? Genuine American hotties DO win the prestigious FBW award.

Congrats, 'M'.

So, ladies, be like 'M' and submit a picture. You'll be glad you did!!

In r/c boat news, the rudders for my Chris-Craft project boat are completed. I just need to clean up the edges and epoxy them into place. Then I'll get the rest of the mechanical issues cleared up, and begin the cosmetic part of the restoration.

I don't have all the stuff to do a full-on resto, so I'm going to make everything work for now, enjoy using it this summer, and then spend the winter lay-up months making everything 100%. It's an r/c boat, its purpose in life is to be on the water!