Monday, May 30, 2005

More Weekend Fun.

So, it's the 3rd day of a 3 day weekend. All the laundry's been caught up, so the weekend is MINE.

Spent the morning cleaning out the new Partsguymobile. I picked it up from my mom on the cheap, which I like. Cheap cars rule. Spent a lot of time cleaning the glass, as Mom smokes like a chimney. The towel I used was just nasty afterwards. I ended up throwing it out. The upholstery is beyond anything I can do, so that'll have to be done by a pro. Mental Note: Buy Shopvac.

After car cleanup, I took off with UN for a bike ride. Great day for it, about 70 degrees or so. I managed 14 miles with only a couple of rest stops, so woohoo for me. Unfortunately, I also got sunburned again. Mental Note #2: Buy Sunscreen!

We saw some hawks on the way back to the truck. They seemed to be having a very good time riding thermals, so we stopped to watch. There were 5 of them, just soaring and having one hell of a good time flying just to fly. I've never been a real envious person, but I was jealous of those hawks.

I did notice something on my ride. People who ride, for lack of a better term, 10 speeds, aren't very courteous. We encountered people rollerblading, or riding a mountain bike, and without fail, if they were going to pass you, they'd let you know by saying 'on your left' and passing. Not the 10 speed riders. They just blasted by, not bothering to let us know they were there. Apparently we're mere peasants and should have known they were there. Didya ever notice how many accidents are caused by self centered assholes?

On the way back, we passed a guy selling stuff on the side of the road. I said something along the lines of 'if the guy's sellin diecast, we stop.' Lo and behold.

I now have a 1/18 scale model of a '32 Ford roadster. I only had a $20 on me, or I would have had a few more.

Got home, and plowed through a cheeseburger 'n fries, and a bowl of ice cream, then decided a nap was in order. This is unusual for me, as I'm not a big nap person. Today, it seemed like a good idea, and it was. Methinks I should do the nap thing more often.

I'd planned to throw an r/c boat or 2 in the water today, but that didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow.

I'm planning on trying to write some more funny stuff this week, maybe even toss in some pics of the r/c boat fleet. Everything depends on the weather. Good weather, I'll be outside. Rain, well, who knows what I'll be doing.

I did add a new linky for your perusal, Northwoods Woman. If you're a sensitive sort, read with caution, as she pulls no punches.


Northwoods Woman said...

Oh Zach thanks for the kind words! lol

Anonymous said...

I ride a bike and it is called a Harley, but it does not kill me to drive a 100 miles, Cat

The PartsGuy said...

The bike I rode is by Specialized, and it has 1 hp.

The HP standing for Human Power(i.e., me)

A Harley ride would have been a good thing too, methinks.

Maybe someday.

Anonymous said...

I collect bikes like Z collects boats. Of course, I have to rebuild them, much like the boats. On the up side, they're not limited to 35 MPH. On the down side, gas is getting kinda pricey, and so is getting plates for them all. Anyway, I think I'll stick to this blog and let the others go. This one's usually damn funny.