Saturday, September 10, 2005

Weekend off again!!

Weekends off rock.

I went geocaching, and actually found a couple, which is always good. We would have had more, but I wound up falling into a creek, which kind of dampened my enthusiasm. So, after that lil adventure, we went and hit good 'ol Barnes & Noble for a while.

Is it just me, or is B&N always got a buncha hotties in there browsing?? I mighta got me a case of whiplash scopin out the babes!!

On to more serious stuff.

Every day I read Kim DuToit's website. Today's edition carries the story of one man who decided to take matters into his own hands, and offer aid to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, risking his life and health, and spending over $5k of his own money.

This guy is the epitome of the American can-do ethos, if you ask my humble opinion. Go read the story. Weep if you must.

Remember to click on AM's linky on the top and scope out her pics for sale, of which she is donating all profits to hurricane relief.

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