Sunday, September 25, 2005

So, the other day, I actually answered my phone instead of letting the machine get it.

On the other end? One of my best buddies from years ago calls me up, and we sit 'n BS for an hour or so catchin up.

So, sometime soon I shall have to make a trip downstate to see him, catch up on old times, and get rejected by women in a different zip code!

In other news, my boss and I have somehow gotten a little oneupmanship thing going. We both drive sedans, and we're both in the process of dressing them up a bit. Why? Who knows. It's a testosterone thing.

Either that, or we both need hobbies.

Well, I'd post more, but it's time to do my trivia thing, and then get some sleep.

I'll prob toss another post up this week. Time will tell, as always.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Why I hate lawyers, pt 2


Wednesday, August 31, 2005

"The makers of Sea-Doo watercraft dodged a multimillion-dollar verdict Wednesday thanks to one stubborn juror."

And hooray for that one 'stubborn' juror!

"The holdout forced a judge to declare a mistrial and send a Greenacres woman home with nothing more than memories of her 12-year-old daughter who was killed when she crashed a water scooter into a dock in the Intracoastal Waterway six years ago."

Ya think the writer's slightly biased?

OK, here's the deal:

Mommy left her little dearie with her boss' teenaged son while she went to check on some construction at one of her employer's properties. Teenaged son, who obviously wasn't thinking too horribly clearly, let her use a PWC, which she killed herself on when she hit a dock.

So, according to the lawyer hired by her mother, because her kid, under questionable supervision, got killed due to a LOT of stupid choices on the part of herself and a 17 year old kid, Bombardier should pay out FORTY-EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS, because there was no sticker saying people under 16 should not operate a PWC.

I went out and looked at my cars, folks. There's no sticker saying people under 16 shouldn't drive a car. Mainly because the law says so. Now, in WI, where I live, the law says nobody under the age of 16 may operate a PWC. Period. Bombardier is not responsible for knowing that. THE OWNER/OPERATOR OF THE PWC IS RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THE RULES GOVERNING PWC USAGE IN THEIR STATE.

But hey, Bombardier's got a ton of bucks, let's sue THEM instead. What a load of crap.

The cost of defending this lawsuit is eventually paid by all people who use Bombardier products, by the addition of the cost to the price tag. Same with any other product you buy. My memory is shaky on this, but I thought I read once that General Motors estimated that the costs of defending themselves in lawsuits added about $1000 per vehicle sold. I may be wrong, however.

So, the judge declared a mistrial because, quote, "one juror was adamant that the company not be held responsible, so there was no way to reach an unanimous verdict as required by law."

If I ran Bombardier, that guy'd be getting a LOT of free stuff about now.

The kid's mother and the boy should both be brought up on manslaughter charges, or something, but I know that'll never happen.

The plaintiff's lawyer plans to sue again, and ask for MORE money this time. I'd suggest that feeding this guy to the gators would be a good idea, but the gators would toss him back.

Gators DO have standards, ya know.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Weekend off again!!

Weekends off rock.

I went geocaching, and actually found a couple, which is always good. We would have had more, but I wound up falling into a creek, which kind of dampened my enthusiasm. So, after that lil adventure, we went and hit good 'ol Barnes & Noble for a while.

Is it just me, or is B&N always got a buncha hotties in there browsing?? I mighta got me a case of whiplash scopin out the babes!!

On to more serious stuff.

Every day I read Kim DuToit's website. Today's edition carries the story of one man who decided to take matters into his own hands, and offer aid to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, risking his life and health, and spending over $5k of his own money.

This guy is the epitome of the American can-do ethos, if you ask my humble opinion. Go read the story. Weep if you must.

Remember to click on AM's linky on the top and scope out her pics for sale, of which she is donating all profits to hurricane relief.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Week in review.

So,'s been a funfilled, yet painful week.

Labor day found me on the big lake, on the PWC attacking 5 foot rollin waves and getting air. Woohoo!!!

My arms and legs took one hell of a beating, though.

Tuesday found me barely able to walk. Getting up and going to work was difficult, to say the least. I did it, however. One of my coworkers watched me hobble in and said 'My god, you look like hell!!' My boss took one look at me and said "What the hell happened to you??"

Apparently I looked about as good as I felt. Walking was painful, bending over to pick stuff up was avoided as much as possible.

Yesterday I was finally able to move without much pain, which was a Good Thing Indeed. Today, I'm about 90% healed up.

Yesterday sure felt like a Monday. We had no delivery guy until noon, so I wound up spending a lot of the morning in the truck, which wouldn't have been bad if I didn't have a lot of work to try and catch up on.

I was supposed to be done at 5, got home about 6:30. I wandered around Stately PartsGuy Manor for a few minutes, then decided to make some dinner. I was washing off a pizza pan, and turned on the water to rinse it, and managed to get an eyeful of Dawn* dishwashing liquid.

That hurt like you wouldn't believe.

And today was the kicker. I was playing with my r/c airplane, bent down to pick it up, and hit the throttle lever. Took a nice lil divot out of my finger.

I'm scared to imagine what might happen tomorrow.

In other news, those of you who actually read the little quote thinger below my Blog's name might have noticed a lil blurb directing you to click on the linky and buy a pic, cause AM has decided to donate all profits from sales of her pics to relief organizations. She also promised me some noodie pics if'n I was to mention her site. Ordinarily, I don't use my blog for commercial purposes, but this is for a VERY good cause, so I've decided to do it this once. Plus, hey, noodie pics!! (you better share this time!! PartsGuy Research Staff)

Maybe. Now shut up and get back to the important research projects I've assigned you!!

Finding pics of naked dobermans wrestling in coleslaw HARDLY counts as important, Schmendrick.

Maybe not to YOU, but to the Reader who asked if we might be able to help, it's of vital importance!

OK, whatever(sighs)

Allrighty then, where was I? OH, yeah! In short, buy a pic, so PartsGuy gets some noodie pics!!

In other news, your humble PartsGuy has been surfing his Credit Union's website and looking at loan rates on used recreational vehicles. There may be a PWC in my near future, who knows? I'm not going to do the paypal thing I'd threaten...errr, joked about, I'll just do what I've always done and work my butt off to get one. I gotta admit, the idea was sorta crazy anyways. As I've said before, I don't blog for the money, just for the chicks.

I'd summarize tonight's post, but I'm feeling lazy. Figure it out.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ten things.

There used to be a website, something like "Things Skippy is not allowed to do in the Army"

Anyways, I got to thinking about things they won't let me do in MY job. I figured I'd list a few.

1) PartsGuy is NOT allowed to make jokes about the boss's mother-in-law, even if they ARE hysterically funny.

2) I am NOT authorized to fire employees.

3) I may not stack merchandise in an illogical manner and call it sculpture.

4) I am not allowed to declare jihad on other parts stores.

5) I am not allowed to refer to the employees of other parts stores as "liars, weasels, and probably Democrats", as doing so is an insult to weasels, plus they hate being mentioned in the same sentence as Democrats.

6) Not allowed to transfer District Managers to Cuba.

7) No, I cannot transfer Assistant Managers to Cuba either.

8) I am not allowed to call video stores and demand they stock up on squirrel porno.

9) I also am not allowed to speculate about the sounds squirrels would make during said movies.

10) I may not skip Sexual Harassment seminar on the basis that I already know how, I just don't do it.

11) During same seminar, when informed that dating is considered sexual activity(WTF?), I may not ask "Can I get that in writing??"

12) Calling Luke @ Central Store and saying " Luke, I AM your father" wasn't funny the first time, nor the 300th time.

13) Managers at other stores are to be addressed by their given names, not 'Scooter' or 'Two-Tone'

14) I cannot trade fellow employees to other stores for a 'player to be named later'

There's probably a lot more, but that's enough for now.