Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Hunt.

He walked deeper into the wooded area. The waves from the nearby lake crashed against the shore as he stopped for a moment to catch his breath. The shin- high snow wasn't frozen solid enough to walk over anymore, with the recent thaw. He looked around. It was almost as if he was in an old black and white movie, what with the snow and leafless trees all around him. He wondered what it'd be like to have someone really unhappy with him chasing him through here. He figured it'd probably not be very much fun, and was glad nobody was doing so.

His partner consulted the device, saying 'we're within 75 feet.' He looked down at the footprints they'd been following since they entered the woods.

"We're VERY close. Probably in that clump of trees there."

He stopped and looked around. There! Under that fallen tree!

"Got it!!" he said, heading towards it rapidly.

He reached in and grabbed it. They'd found it!

Sounds interesting, no?

I'm not a writer by any stretch, so that preceeding story mighta bored you a bit.

In other words, I went Geocaching today.

Go there, and read up. For the price of a used GPS receiver on Ebay, you gain entry into an interesting game played in over 200 countries.

Check it out, and forgive my lame attempt at storytelling.

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