Wednesday, March 02, 2005

More Stupidity.


"SEATTLE - Should the people who make and sell "violent video" games be held accountable if someone commits a crime because of playing them?
That's something our state lawmakers are considering, to open game makers up to more liability."

Uh, okay. Hey, while you're at it, let's make Honda accountable for some drunk college asshole wrapping his Civic around a telephone pole.

"House Bill 2178 proposes to hold the makers and sellers of violent video games liable if someone under 17 years old commits a crime, due in any part, to playing the game.
Supporters of the bill, like Bill Hanson with the Washington Police and Sheriff's Association, say "kids" are getting the games, and they're becoming desensitized. "

Looks like the "kids" have parents that aren't doing their jobs. HEY!! I've got an idea!! Let's hold the PARENTS responsible, because they obviously didn't do a good job at teaching their kids right from wrong.

"Opponents argue that the proposed bill would shift the responsibility from the person who actually committed the crime.
Lew McMurran, with the Washington Software Association, says violent games are clearly rated for adults only, and that the responsibility should be on parents to use the video game rating system and control what their kids are playing. "

Oh no, we can't have that. Then those parents would actually have to pay attention to little Timmy, instead of spending all their free time fantasizing about screwing the mailman or the secretary. Damn.

McMurran again:

"We're removing the responsibility from the person who committed the act, to somebody else who's completely removed from the situation"

No kidding. That'd be like blaming U2 for the fact that Evanescence sucks more ass than the vacuum shitter on the space shuttle.

Right now in my collection, I have a couple of 'M' rated video games. I'm also an adult (chronologically, anyway) and I know I can't go around running people over with my truck, even though I saw it in a video game.

I will admit there are times the idea is tempting. The only problem is cleaning dead hippies off the tires. The patchouli oil smell takes weeks to go away.

Note: the proceeding paragraph is a joke, and is in no way meant to be serious. I am not implying that hippies should be run over. If you take that last paragraph literally, it's your own damn fault if you get locked up.

I'm working on some more incredibly funny commentary on a couple other subjects. Stay tuned for those.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say "hit 'em." Worse than the smell of dead hippie is the tar streak that glues the smell to your truck. Ever wonder why such health-conscious folks smoke so much? It's because they've taken all the fun out of their lives to the point it SUCKS!