Friday, December 24, 2004

I got bored..

...So you got new linkies to look at. 8 new ones altogether. The blogs are ones I read just about every day. Good stuff.

I promised a rant about how Brett Favre has just about the entire NFL, John Madden, and that jackass Chris Collinsworth handing Favre compliments by the bucketful. I mean, what next, they gonna rave about him 'cause he can hit the bowl without spraying pee all over the floor? Jesus. It gets a wee bit old. Let's just see how much more kissing his ass we can do., eh gents??

Guess I just did rant. Dang. That felt pretty good. Granted, it doesn't fix the fact that John Madden hasn't been run over by his bus in front of an Ace Hardware store, but a guy can dream, right?? God, I can't stand that guy.

I did some more work on my R/C boat tonight. I glued in the stuffing tube, which is what the driveshaft rides in. I still have to figure out where I'm gonna stuff all the electronics, but the project is moving along nicely. I might have the thing ready for paint in say, oh, March. Of course, if I suddenly get a bug in my ear to finish it and start another, then who knows? I've discovered that a guy my coworker hangs out with works for a hotel. Maybe I can talk him into some late night pool testing.

I decided to rent some movies, seeing as the GF is out of town till late next week. I got 'Man On Fire', 'The Punisher', and 'Club Dread'.

"The Punisher" was awesome. If you haven't seen it, you really should. "Man On Fire" was also awesome. It was neato to see Denzel Washington lay a serious asskicking on the bad guys. I think "Man On Fire" and 'Training Day' would make a sweet Denzel double feature. I haven't seen 'Club Dread' yet, but it's by the same guys who did 'Super Troopers', which was frickin' hilarious.

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