Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Thoughts 'n stuff

Scott Petersen's going to be executed for killing his wife and son. I guess I'm ok with that, though the idea of him going to prison for the rest of his life and being put into the general population has its merits too. I'll leave that to your imagination.

Too bad his end will be much more humane than that of Laci & Connor.

As easy as it is to get a divorce, it still amazes me this guy figured that killing her was the better option.

Assholes like him don't deserve to be called men. He's nothing but an overgrown spoiled 3 year old.

Sayonara, you worthless bastard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

someone out west agrees with you hole heartedly. I agree in prison he would get it in the end if you catch my drift. That would be a much better alternative than getting in the arm. As far as HE is concerned. Asshole that he is...